don't take baths.
don't take baths.
Passenger side window.
I made a distinct effort and changed my shoe-tying style completely to the secure knot. Doesn't come undone till I want and I don't have to spend time untying those double knots. []
I'd probably do a little research and email back with the best type of basket ball.
@billybobster: Douck? #michaelphelps
@phynx: Uh, yeah multiple inboxes is way easier. instead of having to remember which gmail bookmark to visit.
@jedimario: Thank you!
@gerrrg: I can't believe Apple let him on the Board to begin with; it obviously duplicates the functionality of his default employment.
@Gonz: I feel like google should just revise their maps app to include a latitude option. or do they not own the google maps app?
@Mozoltov, motherfucker: no civic si hatch, but they're bringing back the rsx, right? ...RIGHT?
How do people think webfinger is a good idea when this post shows so many different ways people strive to keep their email address private?
@liku: Yup, that's what works for me. Occasionally a rep will get confused and think I work for their company. I'm actually really surprised at how few companies distribute my info. I actually get more spam snail-mail from my domain name reg info.
-Office Star Professional Matrex Back Chair with Infinite Locking Synchro Knee Tilt-
I'm all for more stringent licensing requirements. Maybe we could let the puds loose out west where the population density is lower than the lizard density, but urban areas require a minimum of... competence.
@Jahmon: you can pop the cap back on an empty bottle since this method usually doesn't deform the cap.
@Ted Hamilton: You wouldn't rather get more for free? Efficiency is the rubric new technologies should be judged on. If it uses more to make less, that's a dealbreaker ladies!
@dolo54 blows minds and blows engines!: dammit, I was gonna try to win teh internets later today. I guess I'll just go outside instead.
He says gas should be that expensive because he believes we aren't paying for the true costs gas puts on our environment. Irresponsible pollution is a classic "tragedy of the commons" scenario.