

Really? No love for the RSX? I guess all you integra voters out there are about the nostalgia. But I love whipping around an exit ramp and winding the tack out to 8,100 rpm. Course I upgraded from a 96 civic, so more than twice the hp is a treat in itself.

"where the history comes from"

Just ring it up with the dong tea.

Shipping is NOT included in the $17.99 price. Another $6 is tagged on once you get to Paypal.

This is semantics at its best. If we use 'sport' in its traditional context, "an athletic activity requiring skill or physical prowess and often of a competitive nature", then subjective but physical activities like figure skating and gymnastics absolutely qualify. Physical competition. I'll leave it to others to

I subscribe to razors from Amazon only because they are so hard to buy in the store. I can't tell you how many stores don't shelve these like normal toiletries. Instead you've got to go beg for them like illegal fireworks or prescriptions.

Sorry for posting so much code, but I got to thinkin about some of the other comments. Yeah its a pain when you hit caps by accident, but sometimes you do need to turn it on. So here's a snippet that makes caps behave like shift during normal typing except it turns on CapsLock when you double press it. Single press

I use my right Alt key to minimize/maximize (like a toggle) my firefox windows. You could easily modify this to work with any application you run multiple instances of and want to shrink at once.

Lockbox w/ documents

I like tiny spell for an audio/visual reprimand and AutoHotKeys for the stealthy auto correction of words I'm never going to spell correctly.

I put it back in the camera bag.

I Thunderbirded my gmail for a while, but in the end I love the search, tagging and integration with all my other Google services. The interface is just that good, add in global access and I shrugged off the old TB.

Why do you assert that Venti is an "extra large" and short is a "small"? Isn't it just as likely that short is "tiny" and Venti is just plain "large"?

I do the file structure thing. Type>region>place/date. And of course I use Picasa to look at em.

Yeah, I'd say this is kinda weak. I've got multiple pages set up as my home, I've removed all the close buttons from my tabs (middle click has done that for years), FireFox reopens with all the tabs I had open after I close it, and there's that handy "undo close tab" if I lack the mental fortitude to keep from

I just bought my domain and have a catchall account on it. So I give lifehacker the address and I know who's responsible for mail to that address. I've been keeping a list of all the senders in a Google spreadsheet, just for fun. I love it when I catch people. (doesn't really happen that

People have ashtrays INSIDE your office? Holy crap.

Cool concept. You just can't get the cursor onto your second monitor. It is interesting to see the percentage of commenters that have dual monitors.

Nice, I love it when I hear about people using Auto Hot Keys! Along with all my key-command customization, I've written remaps for my mouse buttons too.