Time to Loaf

That is one Macauley Culkin-looking* motherfucker on the cover there.

*circa Home Alone

How come the asshole in question in this article is a dude? My work nemesis/asshole-at-large is a woman. Are we not categorizing women as "assholes"? Do women automatically get shunted to the "bitch" category based on gender alone?

Still a little brokenhearted that "No More" didn't make it into the film (having cut the Narrator/Mysterious Man character). That's my favorite ballad in the musical and just an amazingly beautiful duet for 2 male voices. (Way better than "Agony", imo.)

It's the "mistakes were made" of journalism. A non-admission admission of guilt. Completely reprehensible.

God bless that Magical Internet Pixie named Hannah Hart. She is a goddamned ray of sunshine in this shitty world.

What bums me out most about this is all the store employees who will be losing their jobs right around the holidays. That is the most fucking depressing thing ever.

Yesterday was National Cookie Day, today is National Comfort Food Day...December, why you keep tryna make me fat?!

Small correction: Nadia was a fourth year (senior) undergraduate student at the University of Chicago.

When I was going through my divorce at 25 (married at 22), the single best thing anyone said to me was said to me by my pastor: when you go through a divorce, you go through a period of mourning. You're mourning something that you thought would be in your life until you died, and for whatever reason, it's no longer

Yes! I was wondering when someone was going to mention Carnivale. I wonder how much of Carnivale was influenced by Geek Love. (And I've been saying all along that I liked AHS: Freak Show better the first time around when it was called Carnivale.)

Thanks for reminding me the internet is really for cat videos. Time to go watch some Maru to get the sad out of my brain.

Is anyone else concerned that we haven't seen a "real" trailer yet (not just a teaser), let alone one that contains singing? I remember a few years ago when Les Mis came out and the earliest trailers definitely had at least Hugh Jackman and Anne Hathaway singing...I have confidence in the singing abilities of the

Frances McDormand will play my mom in the movie of my life. The resemblance is eerie.

I don't think it's that flattering of a dress, but it's cute and at least it's age appropriate (aka she doesn't look like a baby prostitute).

Oh, yeah. God forbid you're a petite woman who has boobs or hips. I'm like you—5'1", 105 lbs, 28" inseam, but I'm a 34C, so I have to buy shirts no smaller than a Small usually, and I'm swimming in them. My kingdom for a unified sizing system!

UChicago operates on a Quarter system; each Quarter runs 10 weeks and a finals week. This pretty much guarantees student meltdowns.

I work at UChicago and yep. Parents. Everywhere. Overprotective helicopter parents as far as the eye can see. *shudders*

Right?! It's very clear to me that I am in no state to currently be maternal because I didn't find this cute so much as thought, "this child needs a nap, STAT."

Ahhhh thank you for this! I have mild eczema on the back of my neck at my hairline and weirdly, around my pubic area and using hydrocortizone works (kind of, I mean it works but not for very long) but I've been wondering if there's a more natural/longer-lasting home remedy and your comment has definitely convinced me

...but not altogether untrue of the way in which real-life dance auditions happen. Dancers are expected to learn difficult choreography in an extremely short period of time and then must perform it for those hiring—choreographers, directors, etc.—with little preparation. Fellow dancers are ruthless; so are cuts.