Maybe a good “hack” for folks who don’t know how to properly palm a burrito in the first place. The foil already does all the work for I just don’t get this.
Maybe a good “hack” for folks who don’t know how to properly palm a burrito in the first place. The foil already does all the work for I just don’t get this.
Quit Facebook? Facebook can eff off. I’d have to be paid a substantial sum of money to get into the toxic cesspool that is Facebook to begin with.
Or....Maybe just don’t be such a narcissistic douche and stop taking selfies altogether. No one cares about your generic, stupid mug anyway. Go read a book or do something worth while with your life. Our modern society is so asinine I can’t believe we’ve come to the point where we even have articles like this.
Evil must be rooted out and destroyed...let their bodies drop.
Consume less shit, you’ll need less money, and won’t be exposed to bad products and services. Buy local with cash, only the things you need. Rampant consumption by consumers is what props the whole system up. Maybe just don’t do that...
The internet is ruining everything...ugh, what crap.
Cops are making themselves look incredibly bad these days...
Recently sold all my consoles and bought a gaming PC. Not a single regret!
Weasel words from a snake who is a lying liar. She doesn’t give a shit about school children or she would behave completely different and say shit completely different. She can fuck right off!
Nopity nopity nope. There’s hard, and then there’s just stupid hard. I understand struggling with a level and dying 4 or 5 times, but From Games and go frick themselves. It’s like they created some acid test for players to see their art that just blocks out 99% of every gamer. If you are unlucky enough to buy this…
If you claim you are Christian, then you are Christian. There is no other test to verify if someone is a “real” Christian because it’s just superstitious nonsense anyway. If someone says they truly believe in the Easter Bunny, then they just have to be taken at face value. End of story.
The overly crude jokes and gags are a huge turn-off. “Giztoob”? Please, I cringed every time the stupid work-place set was used. Couldn’t make it through two episodes and I loved the earlier seasons. This is just ruined by too many dick and tit jokes...lame.
Couldn’t get past the overly crude jokes non-stop this time. Shut it off two episodes into the new season. If you can’t write good comedy content without “tits”, “penis”, or “ass” every 90 seconds, then I’m out. I’m not in junior high’s not funny.
Unlike PUBG, Fortnite actually has an ‘art style’. PUBG is cool for what it does, but it has no style.
Typical “it was just a joke” defense, doesn’t hold up any more. You made a sexist remark, now we’ll make you own it. liberaldozer = lame-burger...
@Beth. Please do more research and update your article to reflect the brutal reality of these cloning processes! You make it sound like it only takes one attempt and then success. This is NOT the case. This is an incredibly inhumane and torturous process for both the surrogate dogs and the litters.
“some of the greatest, most important music ever made”
This is one of the reason I sold my WiiU and will not support Nintendo any more. They are going down a very dark path that does not include the happiness of their users anymore. They clearly haven’t got a clue about social gaming or networking as evidenced by the horrible online systems they have created for WiiU and…