
It's hard to say how entertaining the "Rebecca pines for Josh who kinda likes her but isn't that into it" angle would have been. But I don't think it would have been too similar to season 1, where their mutual feelings weren't openly acknowledged. Anyway, perhaps the "Love Kernels" idea could have been explored for

Yep, that's what I was referring to. I didn't feel like it resonated thematically.

Some thoughts: It could have just been "You Stupid Bitch" with new lyrics and that would have been great, but I loved hearing "I'm the Villain in My Own Story" and "I Love My Daughter" in the medley too - two of my favs. I also enjoyed the instrumentals of "Love Kernels" and "Thought Bubbles." The latter in particular

What if Trent did his own version of the season 2 opening song? Father Brah asks, "Any objections?" and then we hear the buh-duh-duh horn as Trent comes down the aisle with dancers singing "I'm just a boy in love" … right before getting cut off. I would love that so much.

Not really feeling this one. Apart from the farting/shitting subplot (which was funny but not a great use of time), the episode just seemed like table setting for the finale.

He's so normal… I'm in love.

I hope you're right - a group number would be a fun way to finish the season.

Haha, I'm glad someone agrees with me. As for marriage, I live in Canada, so unless you're game for moving up here… (I am assuming, for no good reason, that you're in the US.)

Of course she can't just become stable, once that conflict is resolved, the show is over. And I don't "want" her to become stable, anyway - her instability is the source from which the show mines its comedy. I don't watch shows "wanting" certain things to happen. That doesn't mean I'm not invested in Rebecca's journey

I love the rom-com stuff too - obviously it's a big part of the show. I'm right there alongside you, getting invested, laughing and crying. My frustration is not with the show, it's with some viewers' narrow focus on "shipping." And my frustration isn't even with the viewers - simply with what "shipping" reveals about

Personally, I find all this discussion of shipping to be COMPLETELY missing the point. The conflict of the show is not "who does Rebecca have chemistry with - man A, B or C?" The show's conflict is whether Rebecca can defeat her self-loathing and become a well-rounded person who is able to maintain stable, healthy

Re: "Let's Have Intercourse" - are you serious about "staring in shock at how underwhelming the choreography was"? The lifts were amazing. Both actors performed the entire dance themselves, at least 20 times on set according to one of the writers, and Rachel Bloom trained hard to do so. Give some credit (and maybe

I did mean the "previously on" segments. Maybe I used the wrong word.

For some reason, I loved the Santa Ana Winds. Just the sort of goofy, off-kilter thing I enjoy. (I also laughed really hard at Greg turning into a bird in ep. 1 of season 2).

While I agree that Crazy Ex-Gf isn't "The Greg Show," I feel like I should point out that you are wrong about his reasons for leaving. He made it very clear why he left in this interview: http://www.vulture.com/2016…