JD Whitman

The show has sucked for a while now, and this episode is a new low. I miss the Mike O'Malley years (Seasons 1-3, back when the show knew what it was).

I heard about fifteen seconds of it and put it on mute. Awful, horrible. I put on the Danny Elfman theme instead and set the credits to that.


Exactly. The romance felt completely tacked on in Batman Begins, and then in TDK: the love triangle, Rachel's death, and by extension Harvey's transformation all fell flat because the romantic elements never felt real. Amazing how this cartoon depicts love more realistically…

Blunt Talk.

This reminds me a bit of early Shameless in how offbeat and over-the-top it is, while still showing plenty of heart and intelligence. I've only seen five episodes but I am just hooked. The actors are stunning.

Eh, it's some fine acting, but I could "see the performance" so to speak. The film and Gyllenhaal are both a tad overrated, but just a tad. It's an effective little thriller.

Yep, by opening that can of worms so early, they really hurt the rest of the series.

You, sir, nailed it, especially with Season Four - the Trinity stuff was great, but the subplots were just as bad as Season Three's.

People always say Season Four is best, but no, not even close. The show was compelling, horrifying, tightly-written and had a real psychological depth in its first season. Season Two had a lot of great elements too, but they really should have saved that plotline for later in the series.. they blew their wad way too

I agree, a lot of it is like JFC (ugghh), but this one line in particular had a Swedgin-esque poetry to it. Ill have to rewatch the episode and post the quote and see of ya'll agree.

Not only that, but he used the word "strident" incorrectly. WTF?

That line was just awful…but not quite as bad as "your dick can suck itself from now on" from Dexter S3E1…

It's fun watching him try, though. ;)

No kidding, it's as if he's personally responding to Emily Nassbaum's article through these episodes…

Or Barksdales in general.

Exactly, she'll always be Mama Barksdale to me…

I've been seeing her everywhere lately. Good actress. It was nice seeing Vince Masuka as well (not to mention Brother Mouzone and Vondas last season…).

This episode was ssssoooo much better than the last two….

Focused doesn't necessarily mean better. It was an exciting season to watch the first go-around because of its "what will happen next?" drama-esque structure, but now upon rewatching it recently, it feels like a soap version of Shameless. Not half as funny or purely entertaining as the first three seasons, and not