PED’s are great.
PED’s are great.
Don’t forget that Madrid will be under a transfer ban starting with the Winter 2017 window through the Summer 2017 window. They won’t be open for business again until the Winter of 2018, and players of Pogba’s level aren’t sold in their primary in Winter windows. So if he was going to move to Madrid, it was this…
It was actually at it’s best back in the 80s with Pete Axthelm. It never was remotely as good after Pete died.
Hard to tell who are bigger crybabies over this: Stephen A, or Deadspin.
The US and Mexico teams don’t matter in Copa America anymore, even if they were able to send their A team. They can’t because of the Gold Cup.
He actually puts over Ina as cooking real recipies and doing them well. He’s joked about her and Jeffrey and the happy vibe of the show simply as a comedy but. But he totally puts over her cooking and that the show is good in educating viewers.
“If the Scott continues to make Russell ride the pine and stunt his development in pursuit of a 30-win season rather than a 27-win one, the negative effects could reverberate for years to come.”
Rembert isn’t much of a content producer, but Bill likes him and he has no role on ESPN going forward.
It’s not the first women’s iron man match. Womens wrestling exists and has existed outside the boundaries of the WWE and this country. Minami Toyota wrestled a 60:00 iron man match where she took on the entire roster of her company. A roster that blows away what people are losing their shit over in the WWE.
Tom: you’re missing the important part:
American’s not showing folks up? I know that Baker is a little young being born in 1985, so he might not understand what baseball was like before he came into the big leagues. So just to help him not be a racist in the future, here he can see that some people from “our country” were showy:
I think you missed Zeke Thomas paired with Costas on NBC. As bad as Dilfer was, and he was truly awful, he wasn’t as bad a Zeke.
Here’s some great you may want to add in an update: