
The preview to this did have one great scene where (as I remember, anyway) Nobby's brother tells him how hard it is to actually shoot another human being and Nobby pulls the trigger and says, "it's easy!" then starts shooting other stuff. That should happen in every movie where a bad guy says, "you won't shoot me,

For several years running, every Thanksgiving my extended family watched the original Broadway version of Sweeney Todd. It started out as just humoring my uncle, who was a ridiculously fanatical Stephen Sondheim fan, but after a couple of years, we all just started enjoying it as our "thing." Somehow watching a

"When the film shifts from Noah having sex with a hot furry to Noah
soberly contemplating his father’s mortality and his own shortcomings as
an uncle, son, and brother in a matter of seconds, the whiplash nature
of the change in tone should be unintentionally hilarious."