
This is what people don’t seem to grasp about Josh Gad, the reason for so much undue love and hate:

Did these dunks somehow put the camera into focus for anyone else?

“The Underdog” from Spoon was in every romcom from 2007-2011

That comment section was always wild, I feel like saying something really racist/dumb/sexist had to have gotten a few loudmouths fired from their day jobs.  Would love to get a retrospective on that.

Lots of pro choice women with a uterus judging other women about what they want to do with their bodies...

So sad, I wrote him a letter when I was 8 saying that he was my idol and that all I could do was bunny hop. I asked for any advice on how to be like him. A couple months later a signed photo from him and Ryan Nyquist came in the mail. Proudly up on my wall for years after I stopped riding.

How does an apology like that go (if it happened at all), sorry for saying what I 100% believe and know to be true?

The problem is there sadly might be a majority of Americans who see that and are real into it

Take a break Chris. I’m sure you have a good point in your brain somewhere but you’re on the struggle bus today trying to defend yourself.

Trying to leave for the New York Post with this headline?

Anyone else never read these but saw The Pogues and just needed a good cry? No? Ok, I’m leaving need to pull myself back together.

Car-Based Meth Lab Found At (Of Course) Walmart In (Of Course) Florida