
Martin Brundle agrees.

As much as I would like to see the max attack 919 lap, It just doesn’t make sense for them to do it. There has been hundreds of cars capable of breaking the lap record, but no one has dared because it’s too dangerous. If Porsche posts a lap with the 919 evo, it must be well below its limit or else the speeds would be

Now playing

Yes it doesn’t sound nearly as good as NA engines, but it sounds as good as any of the other turbocharged cars. I don’t know where you heard the ford gt, but from the outside it doesn’t sound good, specially compared to the others.

Not to be that guy (but totally being that guy), since it’s a rally car it was never not road legal, all rally cars are required to be road legal. I can even tell you this car’s original license plate number: R30 WRC

That’s nothing. Some hooligan out there is selling bicycles with engines on them. I see people riding those down the highway all the time, usually at or above the speed limit.

I have done this on many occasion, but not on the highway.

Let’s not throw stones. Who among us hasn’t overcooked it in that exact tunnel multiple times?

I’ve been following Jalopnik since 06-07 and I don’t recall them saying anything positive about F1.