
These blockchain numbnuts have their heads so far up their asses that their brains are being dissolved by stomach acid.

BloCkChAIn doEsNT bRiNg AnYtHiNg nEW tO gAmES

I’m sure you’re as aware of this as I am, but for anybody else who might not be aware: the folks saying that their shitty views deserve to be respected don’t actually care about tolerance. They’re just using the language of tolerance to try and defend being bigots.

“WTF is this?” one person referencing Almalki’s comment asked FaZe Clan’s account. “I don’t agree with how he went about it, but it’s his religion and we have to respect it just like people apart of the lgbtq community should be respected,” another replied.

I fire real guns semi-regularly and videogame guns extremely regularly...

There is nothing, NOTHING in a videogame that can prepare you for that level of force and power.

Nothing can prepare you for the first time a round gets jammed, and for half a second you feel like you’re holding a timebomb.

and besides that, I’ve

And what kills me about this shit is that we will tap dance around this until it just fades into the background and becomes just another thing we can’t do anything about in a country where this regularly happens. And the issue isn’t just gun laws—it’s white radicalization. We know this is a problem, we’ve known for

Another white kid terrorist piece of shit kills lots of innocent people yet somehow manages to not get shot by the police. White terror will eventually be the undoing on America's seat of power mark my words.

While many are sharing a Twitch account connected to the shooter’s known username, the Amazon-owned company has terminated the Twitch channel known as “jimboboiii”.

Unfrotunately their media does not brand white terrorism as terrorism. 

At this point, if you find 4chan in your kids browsing history, it’s time to throw every internet capable device they have into a volcano and move to the woods. 18 years old, Christ.

It’s not solely a problem with Horizon Forbidden West, nor is it a problem limited to video games. You see it across popular genre fiction these days, as everything from Star Wars to the Marvel Cinematic Universe doubles down on plot over people, going so far as to fill in backstories for enigmatic characters who

Imagine the average person. Middle of the road. Normal Person.

That actually makes the most sense out of all of these theories.

I wouldn’t be surprised if he’s being more cagey this time around because he got slapped on the hands by the lawyers after his candidness in November. 

Let me just translate this from corporate speak to English:

It’s a shame that most people don’t actually understand what red-lining is; it’s a concept that isn’t really taught in schools. It says a lot that more people are willing to believe that the reason why low income ghettos are populated largely by PoC is because we are “lazy” rather than decades of political

It’s exceptionally common in the gaming industry because back in the 8bit days there wasn’t really an industry to speak of, just people coding at home and corporate structure that held them to contracts. The big successes then got to build teams around them, but never actually learned any social or business skills...

In that 2014 announcement, Levine surprised the majority of Irrational Game’s employees with being made redundant, despite the enormous success of their most recent game, BioShock Infinite. He wanted to work somewhere smaller, with far less stress and pressure, so fired swathes of people to achieve this.

Good grief you only seem to comment to say how much you hate the site.

2021 version: you died of a vaccine preventable disease because you don't understand the wealth of information at your fingertips.