Jane Dough

I’ve worked for several financial companies with offices in Chicago, and every time a piece of clip art with that damn Trump building along the river shows up on a mockup, there’s a surprising amount of grumbling from the higher-ups and we’re asked to find a different picture.

Can we PLEASE have some of those supposedly renowned hackers at anonymous hack Trump’s Twitter feed and post a bunch of payback Tweets, like:

This is an excellent post and someone should pull you permanently out of the grays.

I would add that there is absolutely no attempt to grapple with the actual, functional policies that are messing these people’s lives up. You would think that given how celebrated articles like Ta-Nehisi Coates’ article on redlining or reparations was, you might see attempts to imitate it rather than simply dutifully

Your post is dripping with schadenfreude. I approve.

Tell me did you ever want to read the mess of nonsense ravings that was Dangerous, the “book” that flopped by Milo “Trust Me, I’m Totally Gay” Yiannopoulos?

The Democratic Party absolutely abandoned these voters. When a Democratic President championed and signed the Voting Rights Act and Civil Rights Act, it turned its back on everything these voters stood for.

Fuckin insecure meat eaters are the worst. No one cares that you’re threatened by a veggie burger. This is coming from someone who loves a good ol’ fashioned cheeseburger but jeez y’all don’t have to come into every veggie burger review or recipe and extol the virtues of real meat. If you’re not interested in meat

I don’t need a transcript, just an overview. I will never watch a video unless it’s something that needs to be video. A cat falling off a desk? I need to see that. A hamburger review? You can do it in text and image significantly more effectively than video.

And why the hell did the police, who had already zeroed in on the box, wait till midday, when the beach was now full, to actually check? Why was Robin so sure that the shooter would be hiding on the beach? As far as she knows, he’s fled with her daughter as a hostage. Why would you think someone holding a hostage,