Two Headed Unicorn

After a long hard battle with the HOA, this band of ballers erected their triumphant trophy cause Cul-de-sac’s were meant for hoops.

Hodor Hodor Hodor? Hodor Hodor...


You definitely should. I know I'll be checking out a few of the albums you listed as well. Only so much time in a day.

I'd give an honorable mention to Rapper Big Pooh, "Words Paint Pictures." Short but sweet.

nope. Wrestling gets not East Coast/West Coast love, so does not exist.

Where was my Realbuto story when I needed it?

Didn't read the article, but does this apply if they are still alive?

None of these are wrestling terms...

*click *

By my very basic math, he hit the ground going 65 mph. Just crazy.

Fans at the stadium?

God is dead.

I feel like I am a part of something here, watching this unfold. Thanks Kyle

You're sick in the head. Asking people to watch the T-Wolves? Just gross.

And here I thought you were being funny by showing a replay of nothing.

Yeah, I suppose it wasn't exciting highlight reel stuff, but it's not nothing that he was never in danger while fighting a man that was, you know, 15-0 and destroyed everyone he fought.

I know you didn't watch the fight at all. Cormier did a lot of stalking of Jones last night and was constantly in striking range. Just didn't have enough to hurt Jones and then tired out in the final rounds. Great fight. Jones is just too good.