I agree. In think it’s easier to do this to women in Hollywood. Until we are completely equal, we will have to continue to fight to be. And, thank you, Kevin was funny in Hitch but otherwise, hell no.
I agree. In think it’s easier to do this to women in Hollywood. Until we are completely equal, we will have to continue to fight to be. And, thank you, Kevin was funny in Hitch but otherwise, hell no.
Good for her. I had gained respect for Leah due to her expose on Scientology. I admire anyone who’s honest wants to help other people. she’s holding her own with dignity to these strupid comments. People can be completely stupid, ignorant and they love to judge what they don’t understand and so easily place blame on…
I’m not defending this dude. Frankly, I am tired of picking s**t apart, regarding racist actions. As long as we are doing this, we are continuing to divide ourselves. I think a lot of Caucasians feel that they can’t do or say anything right anymore, concerning African Americans. (Again, not defending this dude.) If…
“You white people need to do better.”??! Do you want to be thrown into a category where you are strictly defined by your race and you’re responsible for what everyone in your race says or does? I know I’m probably a lot more open minded and aware than the guy in the article, but I’m white too. It is a double standard…
I fucking love this article! A-Goddamn-men! People who don’t struggle have no clue what it’s like. Narcissistic American and corporate greed. Is this maybe why the terrorists haste us???