
Did you guys read? What he’s saying is that 3-5 was her number during the period of time that they knew each other before they started seeing each other. He’s still obviously letting these numbers and their perceived meaning get in the way of what, otherwise, sounds like a pretty healthy thing, but he’s being at least

I can see what you were going for, but this was possibly the worst review I’ve ever seen on Kotaku.

I can see what you were going for, but this was possibly the worst review I’ve ever seen on Kotaku.

Interesting piece of writing, terrible review.

This is way off base and as an engineer who is obsessed with efficiency, Disney and ABC were definitely in the wrong and deserved to pay up.

Well arent you just Gods gift to reading...What a stuck up dick

Be on time. I mean, I already knew this from my days in the military, before college, but that was more by force.

Man this e3 was a let down. Barely any brand new ip’s announced that we disn’t already know about. Metro, anthem, dad of war, Spider-Man, monster hunter worlds, and Mario are the standouts for me, but all of the big three kind of disappointed.


What about a ghost? How was this article not published as a ranking of supernatural creatures by propensity-to-bone?

We are talking about the justice system, not the revenge system. While we may say that an execution is just for a particularly heinous crime (and many might not, but that’s an argument for another time), if only to completely remove the possibility of recidivism, there is no justice in needless suffering. To wish

Heather, can I just say that I really appreciate that you include the transcript with these videos? I like having the option to read or watch the video (which is largely dictated by whether or not I’m at work or not).

60-day notification process for getting out of a lease early

Articles like this are always interesting to me because on the one hand its “hey, watch out. Some people are dicks.”

My reaction to this is a big, fat MEH. FFXV was so underwhelming. Such wasted potential. What they should have done is focus on getting it right the first time by giving us a camera that worked properly, combat that didnt feel all over the place, a meaningful, well developed story with proper character development, a

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