Off the stone guy

Jose Quervo for me. I used to carry a flask of it in my back pocket in my late teens early twenties. Swing that shit straight. Grew up or something and started drinking Jack and Cokes. One night reliving old times with old buddies, someone leaves a bottle of quervo on the counter. I’m all...hell ya!!! Took one swig a

Arguing that the shift is not pure baseball is short sighted. Your post hits the nail on the head. There was an evolution of positioning that lead to the short stop positioning of today. The over balanced infield is just another evolution of defensive positioning.

Maybe his genius is being the guy finding the right people to do what he couldn’t or can’t do on his own.

Not sexy or rare by any stretch, but I found this two years ago sitting in a barn in Wyoming. 1985 Ford F-150 with 62,000 miles. The lady I bought it from thought it had

Back in the mid 80's while watching an NFL Football game Dick Enberg and another announcer were calling the game. It was early in the 3rd quarter, I think, and Enberg asks the other announcer the usual, “how do you think this game is going to go down?” question. The other announcer, without any hesitation say, “I

Fifth Third field. Makes perfect sense. I’ll have my 5th, make it a Jack, in the third, at the ball field

I say the pitcher has no control whatsoever. The catcher on three separate occasions calls for the ball down and away. One of those pitches is up and in, one is almost belt high, Siri fouls that one off, and the last is belt high away. He finally ends it with one in the dirt away.

As some of you have mentioned being the same age or near that age, I too can remember seeing this and thinking how lucky.

Nail hit on head. I was thinking the same thing.

You have not encountered my cooking!

How quickly we all forget that Syria didn’t have any chemical weapons according to the previous administration...

Is it a sad statement on affairs when I didn’t have to read the article to know exactly which “spoon fed rich kid” was involved?

Meh. I just use my fist as the serving size guide for most things. Most things except chocolate cake, mint chip ice cream, and beer, don’t forget beer.

This the same EPA that is currently refusing to pay out $1.2 billion in claims from the Gold River catastrophy their workers caused.

This happens all the time in Washington. Has any journalist been able to review and report on the documents pertaining to the $10+ billion dollars the Obama administration has sent to Iran since 2013? No! They’re locked in a vault somewhere.

Are you the kind of person who votes party line no matter what? I’ve always wondered about that line of thinking. I’ve literally heard a hard liner say they “would still vote for candidate “X” if candidate “X” was a convicted murderer. It’s the party line that matters.”

I think Democratic Leadership is in desperate need of updating...

It would appear that the travelocity gnome bet on the wrong car.

The Travelocity gnome hangs his head in shame cause his guy DNF’d.

Ha! I read that as “...fart out irritated moths...” Well I had to read the article then.