
You are too dumb for these articles

You are too dumb for these articles

Someone must have told you once that you’re important. They were wrong.

The author is exactly that. Self important much? Every day for her apparently

You are a piece of self absorbed shit

I am no saint but reading these idiotic defenses of either party is beyond ridiculous. You either live right or you don’t. And most of your so called friends aren’t your friends when the shit hits the fan. This is below TMZ level shit you’re bathing in.

Ever heard of marriage vows or morals? Didn’t think so asshole

Most of these comments reflect extreme personal irresponsibility. It’s never your fault or it’s always too hard to manage your savings. The bank sucks and you’re too lazy to change banks. Funny how you can find this blog but you can’t find a good interest rate. Or is that the bank’s fault too?

It was a shit hole to begin with. Ask the people who fled from there years ago if you know any respectable people which I highly doubt

So a symbolic if absurd gesture gets the writers panties in a bunch and she decides it’s a racial issue? No that’s not stupid at all. And please even if a trade was viable Puerto Rico is not acceptable. We have enough of their problem children here already. Give us Panama instead. A viable and desirable country.

All this whinging about the sentence which is indeed excessive yet not a single comment about the idiots who actually were committing crimes. The kids wouldn’t have been in this spot in the first place had they not been attempting to commit crimes. Yet this isn’t an issue? WTF is wrong with you people?

If paying off credit cards every month is so smart then why not use a debit card instead? Charging everything is very dumb

You don’t want to hear this but if you don’t use credit how credit worthy can you prove to be?

Stop crying. Everything is always corrupt when it comes to those who lack personal responsibility right?

You are exactly what’s wrong with society. No one wants your PC version of life. Go back to your safe space

And this had what to do with religion?

In America where one works is a choice. Rather it’s what’s left after a series of personal choices. But in America no one is ever responsible for what they’ve done or decided so it’s always someone else’s fault.

Make stuff up much?

Thanks for identifying as a moron

Because all people who do these jobs are dark skinned right jackass? Never mind the fact that if these people were capable of doing other work they would be. Service workers are there because of their own choices just like in the election the responsible people who are tired of supporting parasites with their tax