
Well thanks for showing us all your psychological weaknesses

I mean, she had the biggest stand-up special of last year so I really feel this on you for not knowing her.

I can’t overstate this enough: This movie is fucking hilarious. Olivia Wilde hit a grand slam in her first ever at-bat.

People... like... something? WHAT’S HAPPENING? This is a TRICK of some kind!

Jesus dude all your comments regarding a movie you haven't seen yet are just shitting on because? Everything ok at home?

This movie was so damn good. I saw at advance screening a few weeks ago and I can’t wait to see it again in regular release. Beanie Feldstein should be a huge star.

When Trump acts like he’d like to have sex with his daughter, he’s really just playing to his base.

They’ve been his students for 20+ years now. It makes sense that they would be good friends by now

Petition to force Alabama to secede from the union. Everyone who isn't a dipshit from Alabama can form a new state called Coolbama.

Or if Ratburn was trying to get with an underage girl. 

Or since when do rats have wedding ceremonies?

But it’d be OK if they were cousins, right?

More Aubrey makes me a happy bunny.

yeah nah this isn’t real. dude wouldn’t have engaged the second he said “like how you spoiled infinity war for me” and probably muted the convo. and again, taking pictures throughout the movie woulda been impossible someone woulda told him to turn his phone off

This is exactly the right take.

The WSJ isn’t really the same paper it was when it was sold to the Murdoch empire. Their primary journalism is still pretty good, but their editorial page is just a slightly higher brow version of Fox News.

I still don’t see how PC storefront exclusivity is anti-consumer in any way shape or form. Console gamers don’t lose their shit this badly when PS4 or Xbox One has exclusivity and that requires an actual purchase. It’s fucking embarrassing really.

That’s only one definition of the word Decimation. Now it refers to any large percentage reduction in quantities. The historical definition you cite is accurate, but not exclusive or in opposition to the etymological evolution that the word has undergone over time.  Thus its current popular usage.

Has nothing to do with the hardware.

It will release in 2020 for sure. I’ll bet on it. Also keep in mind that consoles don’t require as beefy of GPU’s that Pc’s do because they are dedicated machines.

It would be more than just Average, and would actually be probably the first time a console was released with Pc parity as close as this. That power on a