
Because it coats everything with a waxy residue, including making towels less absorbent. There is NO NEED to use fabric softener....

Yes, actually it does. Just like somebody can be arrested for using non-taxed farm diesel in their street car.

Ground beef doesn't look super appetizing either, but we consume it by the ton.

Of course the AR-7 is a design that's been around since the early 1960's. Sean Connery uses one in From Russia With Love.

You know, even with regular yeast, homebrew is just about idiot proof as it is. I don't see the need for this.

So Jezebel Mocks the Sheriff for suggesting that women carry a gun, and mocks this guy who suggests that wives should wear nighties to prevent rape. How exactly does Jezebel suggest that women prevent rape that's not mockable?

Partial meltdown? No check your facts, Reactor 1 was a full meltdown, and it began about 5 hours after the tsunami knocked out the backup generators. There's a great article about the details on the ieee spectrum website. [spectrum.ieee.org]

As pointed out, that's a Woodsman's Pal knockoff. Gerber had a huge commercial success with the Bear Grylls knife series, and now I see they're going to try to reap the whirlwind with a Walking Dead product placement, but do yourself a favor, Do not buy new Gerber knives. They're all made in China and have a horrible

I never saw any Saddam replica guns. Despite what liberals think about gun owners, there's not much call for replicas of mass murderer's guns.

They had these on thinkgeek... But it was an April Fool's joke. Somehow I just can't see this being a smart business decision for anybody to market, given that it's potential lethality is way up there.

I quite like my Estwing Sportsman's hatchet with a stacked leather handle. It's a very nice instrument.

Um, no. The gun on the left has the safety OFF, with the hammer DOWN, which doesn't indicate anything in particular, and is a normal state for the gun. (Although it could indicate a round in the pipe and it could have been de-cocked, which is insanely unsafe to do with a 1911 but hey...)

Interesting that two of them, 1977 and 1986 are based on guns used in World War 2.

Add an "ix" and you have real problems...

@DrLocrian: Um, yeah, it was an official TSR publication. Check wikipedia, they have a pic of the cover. I still have it in my basement somewhere. The monsters were taken from the "Fiend Factory" column in White Dwarf. As GW had license to print & sell TSR in the UK at the time...

@Elpon: I really liked John Doe. I'm still upset that Digger turned out to be a bad guy, and we never had an ending...

@Lupison: Because Star Trek is the definitive guide to ethics and morals for the internet age...

I loved the episode. I laughed a lot. Perhaps because I'm not enamored with smartphones and don't own one. I was laughing AT smartphones & their owners, and not WITH them. I even thought Susan Boil becoming an internet sensation was a hoot.

@zenneth: I was gonna say, that lots of old-timers, including R. Lee Ermey use spent shell casings for earplugs when shooting. You can see him do it on his History Channel (TLC?) shows.