
I like this plan by Tesla and I see where Elon is coming from.

Every single one of you who says they wouldn’t take any of these for free is either a liar or a massive sack of douche with a giant ego problem. A free car is a free car, and I can think of an entertaining use for every single car on this list.

While I do agree this practice is bullshit and needs to end, why the hell should anyone have any sympathy for a person who goes for it? Ms. Morales had every opportunity to leave the dealership without a new car and take her business elsewhere. She decided to sign on the dotted line for a 15% interest rate on an

You guys are good. Tails look like a match too.

I applaud your very specific car knowledge. Well done, Sir. Well done.

What it would look like.

That hubcap is from a Kia Forte

Wait, can we see this full image?

The article mentioned ground level GPS would likely not be affected, my phone GPS works, and I have yet to see any reports of GPS systems other than Lexus to be affected.

Maybe your buddies over at Gizmodo know something?

Am I the only one “disappointed” the video cuts the moment the stabilizing rig breaks and the camera hits the ground?

Well played. The missing wheel cover is a nice touch.

They don’t seem to be doing very much passing. Most all road rage is two people being assholes, and one winning. The loser plays the victim.

Potatoes, rice, pasta...the bane of my existence. I love them and can’t eat them. If I look at them, I gain 10 pounds. *sigh* Protein. Lots of that and no carbs makes a huge difference on me, but my brain and bod are never in sync. :(

In fairness, there DO seem to be plenty of folks who wait in the long line and then, when it's finally their turn, take freaking forever to get their shit through because they have pockets full of change, jewelry all over, a jacket, a belt, tall laced boots that are double-knotted and three bags (each with a laptop).

i’ll spectate!

“jdjonesdr pitches it into the first turn aaaaaaaaaand he’s rolled it.”

Well sure, you could do it, but I’m pretty sure he’s going faster around those corners than a Cherokee can do in a straight line.

I’ll hold your beer.