I'm so embarrassed.. Sorry.
I'm so embarrassed.. Sorry.
How does one go about buying a slow cooker? I have absolutely "zero" idea of what I should be looking for. I also live in a country where electricity is silly expensive.
I'm surprised Jalopnik isn't giving more coverage to the Elio, which is just months away from going into production. A 3 wheel vehicle that costs 6800 bucks, gives 84 mpg., has A/C, airbags......... What more could you want?
I can't believe you guys haven't done an article on the Elio yet? Everything the Morgan offers, for 1/4 of the price, and many more safety features. What are you waiting for?
Since the video posted here was removed, I hopped over to our friendly YT channel to check this baby out.
I want one.
Since nobody else is claiming it, I want the 124. I always liked those.
Exactly. Who would ever know. And a properly applied screen protector takes a little effort to get them peeling, so someone who didn't know wouldn't be able to lift them by mistake. And who would try to remove a normal sticker, knowing they don't peel off without self destructing?
I've had a couple of Terios. For the price, you can't get a better 4WD vehicle. The first generation felt a little tipsy under the right circumstances, but had an engine and drivetrain that would last forever with a minimum of care. The newer ones are bigger and better, but have gotten a little crazy on price, due…
Looks like the guy with the camera at 6:25 missed the money shot. These guys look like they're having a lot of fun. They also drive like a they're drunk.
I always have a bottle of dish soap (dishwashing liquid) in my bathroom. I always shoot a quick squirt in the bowl every time I take a dump, then flush.
Why do people say "I throw up in my mouth." Where else would you throw up to? Why not say, "I almost threw up" instead?
I always thought RHD vehicles were illegal in the U.S. (except for limited cases, such as USPS, etc)
I used to drink like a fish. Owned a bar, and could go through a dozen drinks without even feeling it. There was never a day I didn't throw down copious quantities of cold ones. Smoked like a chimney too. 4 packs a day.
Reminds me of the time I opened a bar many years ago. The previous owner was selling it for some ungodly price, and told me if I didn't buy it from him, he would close the place.