
I'm so embarrassed.. Sorry.

How does one go about buying a slow cooker? I have absolutely "zero" idea of what I should be looking for. I also live in a country where electricity is silly expensive.

I'm surprised Jalopnik isn't giving more coverage to the Elio, which is on schedule to go into production in a few months. With a fuel sipping 84 mpg engine, A/C, air bags and an enclosed cabin for less than 9K, what are you guys waiting for?

I'm surprised Jalopnik isn't giving more coverage to the Elio, which is just months away from going into production. A 3 wheel vehicle that costs 6800 bucks, gives 84 mpg., has A/C, airbags......... What more could you want?

I can't believe you guys haven't done an article on the Elio yet? Everything the Morgan offers, for 1/4 of the price, and many more safety features. What are you waiting for?

Malleys... because..

Since the video posted here was removed, I hopped over to our friendly YT channel to check this baby out.

I want one.

Let's not forget the mighty little Daihatsu Sirion. I bought a new 2000 in late 99, and it's little three banger with a 4 speed automatic still runs like a bat outta hell. Came with a wood grain dash, electric windows and mirrors, and I fit inside like nobody's business (and I'm 6'4")

Since nobody else is claiming it, I want the 124. I always liked those.

Exactly. Who would ever know. And a properly applied screen protector takes a little effort to get them peeling, so someone who didn't know wouldn't be able to lift them by mistake. And who would try to remove a normal sticker, knowing they don't peel off without self destructing?

I've had a couple of Terios. For the price, you can't get a better 4WD vehicle. The first generation felt a little tipsy under the right circumstances, but had an engine and drivetrain that would last forever with a minimum of care. The newer ones are bigger and better, but have gotten a little crazy on price, due

Looks like the guy with the camera at 6:25 missed the money shot. These guys look like they're having a lot of fun. They also drive like a they're drunk.

I always have a bottle of dish soap (dishwashing liquid) in my bathroom. I always shoot a quick squirt in the bowl every time I take a dump, then flush.


Why do people say "I throw up in my mouth." Where else would you throw up to? Why not say, "I almost threw up" instead?

I always thought RHD vehicles were illegal in the U.S. (except for limited cases, such as USPS, etc)


I used to drink like a fish. Owned a bar, and could go through a dozen drinks without even feeling it. There was never a day I didn't throw down copious quantities of cold ones. Smoked like a chimney too. 4 packs a day.

Reminds me of the time I opened a bar many years ago. The previous owner was selling it for some ungodly price, and told me if I didn't buy it from him, he would close the place.