
Um... Torch... it doesn't have to be real wood... LOL

Hmm... I'm thinking spilled alcohol and somebody lighting a cigarette. Boom! Not necessarily an explosion, but a Whoosh of flames that would have quickly incapacitated them.

Probably why it got stuck in the first place.... to put it out of its misery.

Lets have some respect for that "Major environmental damage" claim, OK?

Anybody else think that guy has a hard time with a manual transmission?

It's all semantics. Those folks breath money.

Is everyone ignoring the fact that Let's should have an apostrophe as well? Mrs. Kaylor, my English teacher, would have been proud of me for catching that.

This one is better. The side scrolling version vertically cuts off half of the messages on both sides of my screen. That shouldn't be happening.

The biggest problem the Chinese have is the quality of the metal they use, and their paint jobs.

I want the mini me Lincoln Continental!!

Who would do that to a perfectly good Lincoln?

I've had on of those "mid range one on the right" for a couple of years now. I bought it on EBAY for 20 bucks.

C'mon, you guys, give Travis a break. He was excited!

Oh wait.. Voted too soon. I read the original ad that states the radio has been upgraded, so that plastic is new. It also isn't original; it's been repainted, everything fixed, lots of stuff replaced.. in other words, it's a barn find that's been restored. But not worth the asking price.

One thing I'm confused about - are there some types of equipment that use a different configuration of cable? For example, do some cables have the same sequence of colors, while others have the wire sequence reversed in one of the plugs? I have a Sony Blue Ray player that does not see my internet connection when I

I'd buy it in a heartbeat for $4000, just for the baja panti aspect for girls that don't know any better.

I want one of those.

They could use the BMW diesel engines that Carbon isn't going to use. Win-Win

Holy cow! I've always thought that if you had 4WD, you just got in and drove out. I didn't know it took that much effort. You guys can have that stuff.

It's the headlights that make it so ungodly ugly. If it had something a little more "rectangular" mounted above the signal lights, it would look much better. Those "raindrops holding on for dear life in a hurricane" headlights have gotta go.