The only way to make sunny side up!
The only way to make sunny side up!
Absolutely. Having owned various Jeep Wranglers and Land Rovers, I'll take the Wrangler any day of the week. All of my Land Rovers spent more time in the shop than on the road, and I could have bought another Wrangler with what I spent on repairs. The LR's are super comfortable, but I prefer to be comfortable on the…
That was my first thought.
The guy with the solid rubber tires won.
Mad cool, I'll take one, please.
When I first saw the picture, I asked myself what model of BMW it was. At least from this vantage point, I don't think it's ugly at all.
Yep. Definitely cool. The truck, not so much.
Here I thought the article was about how to improve the legibility of what I scribble now.
My brother had an 82 Suburban with the large diesel engine and automatic transmission. He ended up putting in a manual trasmission, due to the engine destroying the automatic if he punched the throttle. Mad torque. Great truck.
I actually went out and bought a dash cam just because of videos like this. lol
Unfortunately, I think you're right on the money. Maybe a two door?
That's it. I'm going to sell all of my M5's.
That thing is absurdly beautiful. I'll take two.
I don't understand. What's wrong with that? I could send you some that would make your head spin. Such is life in a third world country.
What a catch! Unreal.
Oh wait, is this an android issue? Maybe that's what I'm missing. I'm still in the BB world. My BB syncs with my pc, and I download whatever I want there, and it's therein my BB. I guess you're referring to being able to download anytime, anywhere on an Android based device?
Remember that TV ad a few years back, when a guy pulls into some little deserted gas station in the desert? The bar hack is telling him, any song, any time, any artist, or something like that. I don't get it. I can go on line and find just about any music I want, listen to it, and know that someday if I want to listen…
Another thing - My friend is saying the SX/4 is really a jeep underneath (chassis, motor, xmission, etc). If that's the case, even MORE reason to go with that puppy.
Simple. SX/4 - 35 bids, Subaro - 3 bids. I'll take the SX/4 any day of the week, and twice on Sundays. Nuff said.
Where's the free app?