
I store mine rimside down, but not for any of these reasons. I stack my cups on top of each other to fit more in the cabinet. I feel like its easier to slide the top glass up and off the glass below when they are upside down. It probably doesn't actually make a difference really, but it feels easier.

I think you wrote this article directly to me. I left my office today at 12:00 to walk to the Wendys near by, the only joint within walking distance. We had our monthly company meeting at 12:30 that we all just eat our lunches during so I went to just pick up some junior cheeseburgers for the 100th time. and then i

"Point N Paint and any number of other "as seen on TV" tools. (Can we just universally agree that any tool that substitute "N" for "in" in it's name can't be trusted?) "

The easiest solution is to only show me a, let's say, 1 month countdown or warning to when a title is going to expire. BUT only show me that on shows/ movies that I currently have queued up in my list to watch. a nice "Hey, you want to watch this but haven't yet, get on it" is all I need. If it's not in my queue and

thats alaska

It's the LOTR trilogy

My girlfriend is a teacher at an elementary school and a few weeks ago they took a day to celebrate black history month, with an assembly and all. In this assembly they taught the students "the wobble" dance, which I hadn't even heard of until this and then at lunch proceeded to serve them, and I shit you not, Fried