A bit of planning can save you a ton of money when it comes to buying throughout the year. Here’s your…
Sun Tzu was a legendary military strategist in ancient China and he is the author of the famous book, The Art of War.…
Most people believe that cheating in a relationship is bad. At the same time, it’s common enough to be a trope in…
Maybe you’re busy; maybe you’re just lazy. If you still haven’t filed your taxes, we’re not here to judge. We’re…
“Dr. Google” will make you think that your mild cough is actually cancer, but MedNexus wants to change that. It’s a…
Once you know the basics of stir-frying, an endless variety of quick and healthy dishes will await you. These…
Whether you’re coming up with a side business or trying to figure out what kind of website to launch, chances are,…
Taking advantage of your “good hours”, when you have the most energy, to focus on what you need to get done is great…
Chrome: Since the original Chromecast came out, you’ve been able to send your Chrome tabs to your TV with a handy…
Over at the battlestations subreddit, repens picked up a shiny new ultrawide monitor and wanted to do something a…
Think of role-playing games where we spend hours leveling up our character so we can slay dragons and complete…
If you’re curious about mechanical keyboards, this tenkeyless Corsair Vengeance includes Cherry MX Red switches, and…
VLC is one of those fantastic little apps we’ve all come to love, and today Apple TV users can finally get in on the…
Netflix is finally available in most countries. Not every country has the same library of shows, though. To find out…
Clearer skies would be ideal, but joergermeister manages to take this hazy cityscape and turn it into a remarkable…
We’re happiest on Saturdays at 7:26pm—at least that’s what this survey found. Yet while the exact time of 7:26pm…
Hiding apps on iOS is a time honored tradition and the process always goes the same. Apple doesn’t let you delete…
When we kicked off the How I Work series in August, we encouraged readers to tell us whose productivity tips and…
Dear Lifehacker,
I love technology, but in my attempts to keep up to date I feel like I'm in a constant struggle…