And that's the best reason I could think of for not recalling which city it's in, so good work!
And that's the best reason I could think of for not recalling which city it's in, so good work!
The Sears Tower (or whatever it's called now) isn't in Detroit, it's in Chicago.
Agreed, the design really doesn't flow very well for my eyes. The trunk looks mis-matched to the rest of the car, and the front looks a bit confused.
Yeah, they were past due, to be honest. But that's ok, the KWs are well worth it. Be sure to get a new sway bar at least in the back as well for best results, that was a stunning difference for the amount of time involved (not much at all).
The shocks aren't right AT ALL for the first gen's. I have an 08.5 and at about 50k I replaced the stock hardware with some lightly used KW V2's- what a difference! It's lower, yes. It's a bit firmer than stock, yes. But it isn't crashy/boomy/impacty over everything in the road, and that makes a huuuuge difference, to…
Agreed, I didn't like My God is The Sun alone, but in the context of the album it's really grown on me. That said, I'm also be happy to admit that I'm one of those nerds who really prefers to hear the entire album, because context is important to me. And this album knocks it out of the park. The resolution at the end…
Man, I can't stop listening to this album. I'm still listening to it at least once a day, the whole way through. At first I was like "yeah, this is better than Era Vulgaris, woo!"
The grammar is the tricky part. In theory you went to good, or at least prestigious, schools.... where you'd learn how to, you know, write things. In complete sentences. And act like you're maybe older than 16 or so.
That would actually be pretty cool. You could probably do at least an hour on each medium (Music/Radio, TV, Comics, Videogames) if you went into what they ended up evolving into. Interview some of the great creators of each..... you could go deep on each one if you wanted, ha.
Eh, I'm guessing the Integra would be absolutely dusted around the ring by the cobalt, at least if Forza is any indicator, lol. Power and torque are a major factor in getting around that place quickly. All the handling in the world won't get you up those hills in a hurry, unfortunately.
Fair enough!
I'm not sure that's more notable than, say, the Mazdaspeed 3, which was making 263 HP since 2007 in a car that isn't a Cobalt (read: it has a decent interior). Or a new Focus ST, which, while not as powerful, is far more refined than either the Mazda or the Chevy. IMO it takes more than just power to get on this list.
Yep, great track. In its full configuration it's just around a mile long, and they have car events there (time attack style) from time to time. Drifting events have been held there as well.
I didn't know run off areas made a turn less challenging. Last time I checked, the point of racing is to stay on the track- removing the massive risk of serious injury or death doesn't make a turn less difficult, IMO. Seems a bit degrading to the most legendary corner in motorsport.
I think it was the tires, mostly, wasn't it? In any case, I agree with you, if you have to change your car in any way, then get off the throne. Maybe it shouldn't be a 4200 lb pig, then the tires could hold out longer- The F1 managed 242 mph at a good 1800 lbs less, right?
Lol, "these days" there are fewer issues these days than ever before. 99% of the time it's a driver update and you're good to go- maybe you've forgotten how much work it used to be to get stuff to even run at all.
I had problems starting the download AT 9:01, but by 9:30 it was fine, then I got right into the game after it finished downloading. No wait, no delays, no hangups, no problems. Honestly I was pleasantly surprised, I'd give EA a 9/10 for the launch smoothness from where I'm standing. Steam was no better even WITH…
Well, gotta say, at least he didn't go driving drunk. That would have been much worse. Passing out in the parking lot beats driving drunk with your 2 year old any day, IMO.
I had a 944, they still get plenty of attention. Mine wasn't even red- still got looks. Man that car was a blast, that is the beastliest sounding 4 cylinder I've ever heard.
Yeah, effectively. It's like the Mini, except instead of being in the middle, huge, and useless, the tach in the main gauge cluster, too small, and useless, lol.