
Don't forget, the other possiblity is to just go totally crazy and make your gauges completely fucking awesome like Lambo did for the Reventon. Those things are so fun to watch in motion- I'll get distracted by the awesome in Forza 4 and end up crashing, missing braking points, etc.

While I tend to agree (I have used an analog watch for this very reason for most of my life) often I want to know my exact speed- I can tell roughly how fast I'm going based on 1. How fast outside is going by, and 2. by what RPM I'm close to for the gear. The difference, though, between 39 and 42 in a 35 is that one

I don't really find it that confusing, since people take shit out of context all the time when they want to. It's a fact of life, haha. Everyone does it, intentional or not.

Not really, it doesn't. "A well regulated militia being necessary to the security of a free state, the right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed."

Bingo, my rule of thumb that I've learned since graduating, and looking at my friends who also graduated, is that your first job tends to be closely related to your degree, but from there, it's almost like anything goes. Just develop skills in areas that are in demand, and your degree is just a check in the box on the

I think that's a generalization. I know (and work with) plenty of people making a very comfortable living with a BA. The question is just which ones are going to be useful- Philosophy, yeah, have fun at McD's.

You forgot the sound. The sound of the flat 6 absolutely humiliates the drone of the flat 4 in the GT86 cars.

I don't know anyone under 25 with an Evo, a couple in their 30's and one in his late 40's, interesting.

Cannot tell if serious...... Porsche Unleashed was the fifth in the series. By then it was pretty well established, lol.

Funny thing is, for me, they're just terrible to use for racing games, because you have to apply upward as well as inward pressure to keep your finger on the trigger. And when you're playing a racing game you end up going either full gas or full brake for a long time compared to shooters, so it's even worse for racing

I have the same issue with the grips on the bottom. The 360 controller fits my hand oh so much better, my pinkies have no idea what to to with themselves on a DS3

10 minutes? Isn't it usually closer to 20?! That's my problem- in the past they've often had boring guests (ie, I'd rather they just cut out the whole guest segment and call it good for commercial time). But missing the music, a fair bit of the show's content, and waiting a year has led me to download it on a weekly

Well this one adjusts to 16 million colors, certainly one of the shades of red would match. :)

The horror! !he horror!

Ha! Excellent call. The thing I love is that even if it had a cooling system to drop the temperature down to more reasonable levels (for a damn desert, at least) is that it would consume power to run said system. So wouldn't you end up breaking even in the end, or close to even? Oh well.

Don't forget, retirees with nothing better to occupy their time with than to band together to bitch at Nissan!

I don't think it's a personal statement..... it's more like a statement of fact about the state of their economy. It IS fucked up, just not as fucked up as some places like Greece or Spain, where they're over 20% unemployment. But the UK (and much of Europe) is in a double dip recession, which means that right now, it

Interesting, I'll have to check that out. Thanks for the heads up.