
CU didn't say corporations are people, because it's been legal fact since the creation of corporations as a legal entity. The article certainly mis-spoke in that bit- as far as I know, it's been at least 150 years since that's been the case.

The control pad on the zune is famous for being a squircle. So yes, the control pad. Not the overall shape of the device...... pay close attention and you'll notice that the ipod/iphone/ipad family is actually a circtangle, not a squircle. Remember, a squircle is a circtangle, but a circtangle is not a squircle! lol.

Maybe it was written by Mossberg, lol.

Yeah, kinda pisses me off. I was really confident they wouldn't cut the DLC off for FM4, but sure enough, Forza Horizon (which I'm not getting, enough racing to be had in FM4 as it is) comes out, and boom! We're done. Makes me mad.

Have they just completely abandoned their core fans at Forza 4? It sure seems like it.....

I'm not sure "criminalizing gun possession" is what all people have in mind when you say "gun control," at least I don't. I intend to buy a gun at some point. I know how to handle a gun safely, and my record is clean.

Well, except if you take longer to do it, it could easily let you "cool off" and thus abandon plans for killing. Could go either way. If you require demonstration of basic firearms knowledge, you'd likely prevent a ton of accidental shootings.

I'd be more in favor of a 911 Gran Coupe, myself. lol.

Honestly at this point, if it doesn't absolutely smoke the 7 year old Xbox and the 6 year old PS3, then it's a "weak" CPU. That's a very, very long time in terms of hardware development, and you'd be able to see it in the games if they were trying. You can tell, because if they were trying to be cutting edge, games

But do they just use a standard cassette tape? I always figured they used some kind of "studio tape" but I know next to nothing about recording. Also, what's the point of recording in analog if you're going to then either burn it to CD or compress it so it can be downloaded from itunes? Don't you lose the "warmth"

I could absolutely tell it was Japanese, does that count?

When it's as poorly implemented as Far Cry 3, yes. The HUD is far too centered in your view, it is extremely distracting. I'd just like it to be pushed out to the edge further.

Maybe you missed the guy's comment that Sony brags about how they can fit two games on their slow discs..... I bet odds are pretty good they're on the same disc. And really, what do you think you'd get for a copy of Bioshock from any game store these days? $2? Maybe?

Yes and no. We're starting to see optical take over for tape backups- yes, those still exist- and they are great for it. Lots of density, relatively cheap, and they last for decades without concern for durability. Blu Ray is alive and well for this market.

This surprised me, but the 911 C4S is actually a pretty decent match for the R8 V8, both in price and general performance. Is it just me, or were 911 Turbos cheaper than $135k to start, not all that long ago? That said- C4S does 0-60 in a famously-conservative 4.3 Porsche seconds, while the R8 does so in a claimed 4.4

Fragmentation sure is fun, huh Apple? :)

TXAA has to be enabled at the engine, I believe. And it's 6 series only.

Reading business opinion on Gizmodo is always an entertaining/frustrating part of my day, lol. I've come to try to read it as humor, rather than serious business talk.

3PAR was a necessity, that doesn't mean they didn't overpay after their comical bidding war with Dell. I'm sorry, but $2.4B for a company that generated a mere $195M revenue the previous year (and posted a net loss) does not make it a good acquisition. Just because you were basically dead to rights for high end

Well, it's not a $9B hole in their accounting. They actually cited $5B in accounting errors at Autonomy, the other $3.3B is a book adjustment to their goodwill. But at the end of the day, $8.8B has been written down in their books, which is quite a hit. But goodwill can do that to ya, it's just a risk you take when