
Not to mention the faucet the hose is attached to- those are susceptible to freeze and burst pipes in your house if you don't cover them. If your hose has water in it like this, then your plumbing was at risk that night.

Yeah, effectively. It's like the Mini, except instead of being in the middle, huge, and useless, the tach in the main gauge cluster, too small, and useless, lol.

Don't forget, the other possiblity is to just go totally crazy and make your gauges completely fucking awesome like Lambo did for the Reventon. Those things are so fun to watch in motion- I'll get distracted by the awesome in Forza 4 and end up crashing, missing braking points, etc.

While I tend to agree (I have used an analog watch for this very reason for most of my life) often I want to know my exact speed- I can tell roughly how fast I'm going based on 1. How fast outside is going by, and 2. by what RPM I'm close to for the gear. The difference, though, between 39 and 42 in a 35 is that one

I'm in WA, and we got a notice one morning at 4:30 AM that a killer blizzard was closing in and we had to take cover and all that shit. Waking up to your phone vibrating and buzzing like an air raid, followed by the freaky mechanical voice reading the alarm out, is NOT cool. Especially when it applies to the mountain

I'm not sure it's such a great move- the advantage of consoles over PCs is that they are the same hardware for years, which gives them their cost advantage. It will be interesting to see how Ouya intends to make a profit when they're using new guts every time a mobile GPU drops.

I don't really find it that confusing, since people take shit out of context all the time when they want to. It's a fact of life, haha. Everyone does it, intentional or not.

Not really, it doesn't. "A well regulated militia being necessary to the security of a free state, the right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed."

Bingo, my rule of thumb that I've learned since graduating, and looking at my friends who also graduated, is that your first job tends to be closely related to your degree, but from there, it's almost like anything goes. Just develop skills in areas that are in demand, and your degree is just a check in the box on the

I think that's a generalization. I know (and work with) plenty of people making a very comfortable living with a BA. The question is just which ones are going to be useful- Philosophy, yeah, have fun at McD's.

You forgot the sound. The sound of the flat 6 absolutely humiliates the drone of the flat 4 in the GT86 cars.

Dammit! Touche. You definitely win this one.....

Vita 2.0, hopefully with a less stupid name. On the plus side, even Sony should be able to figure one out. Because they're ALL less stupid than "Playstation Vita."

I don't know anyone under 25 with an Evo, a couple in their 30's and one in his late 40's, interesting.

Cannot tell if serious...... Porsche Unleashed was the fifth in the series. By then it was pretty well established, lol.

The battery supplier apparently has been cleared as of Monday. Now they are looking at the company that supplies the battery control unit thing, which monitors state of charge, temp, and controls charging to the battery.

Funny thing is, for me, they're just terrible to use for racing games, because you have to apply upward as well as inward pressure to keep your finger on the trigger. And when you're playing a racing game you end up going either full gas or full brake for a long time compared to shooters, so it's even worse for racing

I have the same issue with the grips on the bottom. The 360 controller fits my hand oh so much better, my pinkies have no idea what to to with themselves on a DS3

Pretty sure the headline would have read "Android Is Popular Because it WAS cheap, not because it WAS good" if that was the intended message.