
10 minutes? Isn't it usually closer to 20?! That's my problem- in the past they've often had boring guests (ie, I'd rather they just cut out the whole guest segment and call it good for commercial time). But missing the music, a fair bit of the show's content, and waiting a year has led me to download it on a weekly

Well this one adjusts to 16 million colors, certainly one of the shades of red would match. :)

The horror! !he horror!

Ha! Excellent call. The thing I love is that even if it had a cooling system to drop the temperature down to more reasonable levels (for a damn desert, at least) is that it would consume power to run said system. So wouldn't you end up breaking even in the end, or close to even? Oh well.

Don't forget, retirees with nothing better to occupy their time with than to band together to bitch at Nissan!

I don't think it's a personal statement..... it's more like a statement of fact about the state of their economy. It IS fucked up, just not as fucked up as some places like Greece or Spain, where they're over 20% unemployment. But the UK (and much of Europe) is in a double dip recession, which means that right now, it

Interesting, I'll have to check that out. Thanks for the heads up.

CU didn't say corporations are people, because it's been legal fact since the creation of corporations as a legal entity. The article certainly mis-spoke in that bit- as far as I know, it's been at least 150 years since that's been the case.

The control pad on the zune is famous for being a squircle. So yes, the control pad. Not the overall shape of the device...... pay close attention and you'll notice that the ipod/iphone/ipad family is actually a circtangle, not a squircle. Remember, a squircle is a circtangle, but a circtangle is not a squircle! lol.

Maybe it was written by Mossberg, lol.

Yeah, kinda pisses me off. I was really confident they wouldn't cut the DLC off for FM4, but sure enough, Forza Horizon (which I'm not getting, enough racing to be had in FM4 as it is) comes out, and boom! We're done. Makes me mad.

Have they just completely abandoned their core fans at Forza 4? It sure seems like it.....

I'm not sure "criminalizing gun possession" is what all people have in mind when you say "gun control," at least I don't. I intend to buy a gun at some point. I know how to handle a gun safely, and my record is clean.

Well, except if you take longer to do it, it could easily let you "cool off" and thus abandon plans for killing. Could go either way. If you require demonstration of basic firearms knowledge, you'd likely prevent a ton of accidental shootings.

I'd be more in favor of a 911 Gran Coupe, myself. lol.

Honestly at this point, if it doesn't absolutely smoke the 7 year old Xbox and the 6 year old PS3, then it's a "weak" CPU. That's a very, very long time in terms of hardware development, and you'd be able to see it in the games if they were trying. You can tell, because if they were trying to be cutting edge, games

But do they just use a standard cassette tape? I always figured they used some kind of "studio tape" but I know next to nothing about recording. Also, what's the point of recording in analog if you're going to then either burn it to CD or compress it so it can be downloaded from itunes? Don't you lose the "warmth"

I could absolutely tell it was Japanese, does that count?

When it's as poorly implemented as Far Cry 3, yes. The HUD is far too centered in your view, it is extremely distracting. I'd just like it to be pushed out to the edge further.