
Ahhhhhhhh my eyes! lol.

Yeah, you really wouldn't want to see an org chart of how they all connect, I'm sure.

A few things:

Engines are supposed to separate in the event of a severe crash these days, aren't they?

That's what I was thinking- we have terrible drivers on the major highways, but get onto the backroads, of which there are plenty, and you're set. I've driven in a lot of places, and I'd pretty happily bump Montana or Detroit in favor of Washington. We've got it all here.

Man, if they're gonna go for the close ups on faces like they just did, they seriously need a new engine. All I could think while they were looking at his face was how terrible it looked, but that could just be me.

I'm sure it will go a long ways to test drive one, that's my first priority. Unless there is a HUGE cost difference, I want to make sure I really enjoy driving the car, and the way it feels is pretty big when it comes to whether you enjoy it.

I was referring to handling and steering feel, hence my use of a non-technical term. It's a subjective thing, but when I was looking at the speed 3 and the WRX, the WRX had boaty handling, and it was not nearly as responsive to steering inputs as the Mazda was. It's a combo of suspension, steering ratio, and tires,

Well, you have to consider that this is the internet, so complaining and hypocrisy are the two main ingredients.

Shhhh don't tell anyone! :)

Truck transmission and crappy interior are certainly downsides. Let's not forget that the WRX also starts more expensive than the MS3 and Focus.

I agree. It was pretty damn fun, and it introduced some pretty entertaining elements into the FPS category. It's like someone played The Club, then went to make a full game out of the concept. But got drunk with a bunch of college bros to do the writing. The humor for me cut both ways- it was funny, I'll admit, but

This article assumes you buy Apple's rounded corners aesthetic. Rounded corners doesn't mean it looks better.

I've only thrown a controller once. It involved copious amounts of alcohol and Ninja Gaiden.

I think a "street survival" course should be mandatory for everyone in the US, since our driver education system consists entirely of learning to read road signs and making sure you know where the gas, brake, and steering wheel are.

Tanks are a great choice! How often does your typical riot include RPG wielding terrorists? In America, we're used to.... I don't know, rocks and maybe the occasional Molotov. Flipped cars. Can't flip a damn tank, takes more than rocks to get through the armor, and I don't think it would care about several dozen

Seems more to me like it's a thought process analysis question. Depending on why they eat it, and who you think is the wisest, it could be inferred what kind of thought process you went through to arrive at that answer.

The response time on a fix for Flashback was hilarious. If I'm not mistaken, it was literally months long.

I agree with you there. I had an internship at their home office between junior and senior year, and it was an awesome environment with great people, great benefits, and you really got the feeling that it's a great company. They bring in low priced goods, but not low priced to the point of cheapness- something walmart

I just have "Sent from my Mobile Device" as mine. People don't give a damn what kind of device it is, but sometimes that can help explain why it might seem overly short, spelling errors, etc.