
I'm a bit surprised Costco is that high on the list. There are a huge, huge number of warehouses, and those things are not small. Pretty amazing to be making $1,000 per foot on average across your stores when they're that massive.

Sorry, I may have been a bit harsh, but it seems like an important question to answer given it's one of the biggest causes of Google Wallet's slow adoption in America.

"Does Verizon, maybe, have another mobile payment technology in development?"

Right, but OEMs like HP and Dell are more likely to use an i7 in their higher end laptops..... the same laptops that are much more likely to have a dedicated GPU.

Here's what gets me about Intel's integrated graphics. The high end CPU's, ie the i7's, one i5 and one i3 are the ones that get HD4000.

I'll believe a 50% power consumption reduction when I see it. Naturally the die shrink will mean less power/heat, but a further 50% reduction through transistor tech?

And Costco gets their vodka from a very well respected, possibly French source. With an animal in the name. Which could rhyme with "moose."

Fair enough!

Good list, but did you really need to crap it up with 3 very obvious poor first cars (SLR McLaren, 911 Turbo, X6 M)? I'd have lumped them into "stupid fast, stupid expensive cars" and called it good from there.

Very true. The torque steer (and if driven wrong, the understeer) will definitely keep you on your toes, but I love mine anyway.

Correct as far as I know. Unless your gauge has an arrow indicating the direction, every car I've driven has had the gas gauge on the side of the door.

This makes perfect sense!

I was gonna say, CSS is pretty simple to learn, actually. Mastery, as always, takes time- but CSS isn't that complicated.

Huh, good to know, thanks. I do push myself with some pretty punishing intervals on that thing, so given your numbers it's reassuring that it may at least be in the ballpark.

"Ivy Bridge may be the first Intel chipset with enough graphics and multimedia processing power to make you forget discrete graphics"

I've always wondered how accurate the calorie measurement is on stationary cardio machines like the treadmill, elliptical, stair stepper, etc. It always seemed like they just can't be correct, ie, do I actually burn 400 calories in an ass kicking 25 minute session with intervals on the Elliptical? I would like that to

Do you actually care? Point is, it's free now, and you're complaining that they WERE gonna charge for it? Holy crap, man.

Ha. While our range has a gas oven beneath it, we don't use it very often at all, partly as a result of your concerns lol. But mostly because when baking, most recipes are written for a "dry" heat that you get from an electric oven.

Looks nice, but the only kind of stove that makes cooking on it a "pleasure" is if it's a gas stove. Instant heat adjustment and no waiting for it to warm up.

What do college transcripts have to do with where you were born? He was born in Hawaii, the Birther issue should be dead. He's an American citizen by birth. End of story.