
This makes perfect sense!

I was gonna say, CSS is pretty simple to learn, actually. Mastery, as always, takes time- but CSS isn't that complicated.

Huh, good to know, thanks. I do push myself with some pretty punishing intervals on that thing, so given your numbers it's reassuring that it may at least be in the ballpark.

"Ivy Bridge may be the first Intel chipset with enough graphics and multimedia processing power to make you forget discrete graphics"

I've always wondered how accurate the calorie measurement is on stationary cardio machines like the treadmill, elliptical, stair stepper, etc. It always seemed like they just can't be correct, ie, do I actually burn 400 calories in an ass kicking 25 minute session with intervals on the Elliptical? I would like that to

Do you actually care? Point is, it's free now, and you're complaining that they WERE gonna charge for it? Holy crap, man.

Ha. While our range has a gas oven beneath it, we don't use it very often at all, partly as a result of your concerns lol. But mostly because when baking, most recipes are written for a "dry" heat that you get from an electric oven.

Looks nice, but the only kind of stove that makes cooking on it a "pleasure" is if it's a gas stove. Instant heat adjustment and no waiting for it to warm up.

What do college transcripts have to do with where you were born? He was born in Hawaii, the Birther issue should be dead. He's an American citizen by birth. End of story.

The picture with Laguna Seca.... such a study in contradictions.

This is ridiculous- how they can agree that the whole meaning of the DMCA should be changed because Viacom is feeling pissy is beyond me. This is basically the exact purpose the DMCA was created- the onus does, and absolutely should, fall on the content provider.

Isn't the point of this patent that the packaging itself enables the wireless charging, so the package would have a plug to go into the conventional power plug on the device? This doesn't mention anything about on-board charging directly onto the device.

Yep. I love the wireless charging on my Touchpad as well. It's much more convenient than you'd imagine.

... But this is Camry. The similarities are hard to deny.

When will people figure out that you don't need to have all that blurry white plasticky crap around where your LEDs go? Come on, people. LEDs are tiny and easy to conceal. Don't clutter up the headlights just because Audi does. Jeez. The headlights look terrible on this car, IMO, and it's mostly because of the fugly

Overall, I am liking it. The headlights are not well matched to the front end at all though. They need to be wider, not taller. More like Vipers of old. And please, PLEASE skip the LEDs. That really messes it up for me. You aren't Audi, Dodge- so stop trying to be. But between dat hood and dat ass.... hot.

Modern Porsche's, incidentally, have pretty damn good cupholders IMO. They slide out of the dash very easily, ratchet out to whatever size, and they are pretty deep. Then when you're done they just slide back in and the door covers them back up. Pretty slick.

It is! ...... and if I had to guess, I'd say that looks like the 2013 Viper, don't you think?!

This is very true. I often wonder how often hacks go completely un-noticed.

"The Terrifying Ghost of Steve Jobs" is not a good reason. Notice how they are paying a dividend now, a major change that Jobs had gone on record saying it is something he would never, ever do ever again? Yeah, that lasted 2 quarters.