
Two things:

3 door TDI.... in the US.... under $25k?

So maybe now people aren't saying buying Motorola was a bad move, huh?

Can't we all just agree to stop putting LEDs under the headlights of new cars? Started out on Audi to distract from their hideous grille, but now EVERYONE keeps doing this.

Two things:

If you're going down I5, you're pretty safe.... I've made the drive from WA to CA several times and the radar detector goes off far more often for those speed signs in the Siskiyou's than for any actual cops. My buddy tells me they much prefer the state routes than the Interstates, which seems to echo my experience.

Oh, I agree 100%. Sarcasm fail on me.

Nice review, thanks for the link. Looks like in practical use it's not a bad value, definitely closer to SSD than HDD in their practical testing. Benchmarks, not so much, but I don't really care about artificial benchmarks.

That's what I was thinking, I have a Corsair Force GT 120 GB, and my fresh-ish Win 7 install boots (after POST, so from start of OS load to cursor ready) in about 10 seconds.

I'd love to see three more data points:

Because there's a "yes" button on that prompt. This has "Cancel" and "Delete this file."

It was sarcastic, they apparently took the line break I put in before the /s out. Thanks commenting system!

Well these days violence is much more accepted than bad language or (heaven forbid!) nipples.

No, no, you're mistaken! Because your file system will be inaccessible (since it's now a DB), you'll be able to handle the information you deal with every day much better than you ever did before. Just try it! Nothing to do with how it's presented, just the fact that you don't have a tradition file system any more.

Not sure what you're saying. Vista blocks various things from running until you give it permission; this is telling you to delete it or not let it run. There's a pretty big difference. Can't tell if you were being sarcastic or not.

So basically it's the IM client of the future because it has facetime and can use iMessage, right?

Do you actually need to leave a name to buy a burner? I thought the whole point of a pre-paid phone was that you didn't have to do that, not that I ever have.

Rounded edges! I sense an injunction coming from Cupertino to halt sales around the world, because it could be mistaken for an ipad, Macbook Air, iphone, or ipod touch.

If by" current generation" you mean consoles, then you're right. it's 7+ year old hardware at this point. You want a reminder of that age? Play a PC game like Battlefield 3 on mid-high end hardware, and you'll get a stark comparison. I like my 360, but a graphics powerhouse it is not, nor is the PS3. They compete on

Even with the long life you get out of a keyring, why spend $50 to fulfill the same purpose a $1 piece of metal fulfills? You've got $49 to spare now.