
You also have to consider the source, depending on who they are in the firm they may just be exaggerating the extent of the damage.

I was gonna say, it's gotta be the Accord, with Camry as the next alternative for my area.

I'm not sold on it being the best looking, though of the 2012 cars there's no contest.

I can't actually- the only game that's installed is BF3. The others are just constantly in my list, even though I'm never going to install the sims 3 and can't install the BF3 beta. There's no easy way to hide them, either.

Have you had to use it? It's pointless at the very least. And it has some seriously annoying quirks. I can't remove the BF3 beta from my games catalog, for instance. And my free copy of the sims 3 is just sitting there.

"It defeats the point of designing the phone in the first place."

I'm pretty sure your bullet shouldn't be changing direction before the ricochet unless something is wrong with the gun.

It was their april fools entry a couple years back.

Forgot "are you warning an oncoming driver that their lights are off in a situation when they should be on?"

Judging from some of the comments, this article may need a Jalopnik Gold tag to help get the message across.

Awesome. That just made my morning.

Have you installed preware and the overclock on the touchpad? It's really easy to do, and mine has been running at 1.5 ghz since I got it. It fixes a lot of the stuttering when you switch between lots of tasks and makes loading apps faster in general. I'd definitely suggest it.

Great weapon, but it depends a lot on the particular 1911 you choose. And even the high end ones are more finicky about their ammo than Glocks are. Fact is that for the money, it's a hard to beat deal. And also it has twice the capacity of the single stack 1911.

Looks like 2 inches of snow turns Muscovites into idiot drivers.

Yeah, all of the news channels here support SOPA and/or PIPA and state that fact when they report on them at all. Even still their coverage is strange and a bit biased.

Shhhhhh please stop using logic. It doesn't work, we're on the internet!

I really don't think it's "SOPA retaliation." Investigations like this take a long time to set up and conduct, and then they move on their target. International investigations especially don't just happen overnight.

That's the jist of the problem. They keep assuming that ALL pirated copies would instead be bought for $20 each, which is just plain untrue. If you didn't have it available to pirate, then I bet a majority of people who do pirate it simply would not watch it.

Since people never stoplight drag race now, right?

I just wish that lights in the US would go red+yellow before they go green.