Apparently "Much Improved" means "it's patched on disc and includes DLC."
Apparently "Much Improved" means "it's patched on disc and includes DLC."
The amount of anticipation and interest I have for Max Payne 3 can be directly correlated to how much hair is on his head in screenshots. The top of his head, to be clear. Facial hair doesn't count.
But remember, regulation is only made to kill jobs. So no! Job hater.
Very true. I guess there's a difference between "luxurious" and "nice to use and/or look at."
I prefer my UI to have some color in them, thank you. When done correctly, color serves very important purposes. Black and white isn't cool. That's why we have color screens, right?
There are so few units built right now that your costs per unit are going to be outlandishly high.
As far as I'm aware, only blackberry encrypts all traffic to and from the phone though. That is security you can't match.
I'm interested to hear what they're doing to apologize for these mistakes. I have to admit that when they cancelled my Forza 4 Collectors edition pre-order, I was pretty pissed, but they did offer me 1600 points and a $20 gift card if I wanted to order the regular version. Which I did.
Of course it's drool worthy- the thing costs $550! There's a serious point of diminishing returns in everything, and this is waaaaaay past that point.
My Logitech Harmony makes me an idiot-savant. Yay!
Remember: procrastination pays!
I will admit up front that I am not familiar at all with taxes on these kinds of contests, and definitely am not familiar with how taxes work in Utah and whatever other state may be involved.
1st Gear: Doesn't a 5.7 0-60 time for a car that small with AWD and 256 hp seem a bit off the pace? Or is that german conservatism at work? Because Car and Driver got the Mazdaspeed 3 to 60 in the same amount of time, and that is larger and FWD. And the 7 hp advantage probably wouldn't make that big of a difference.
I blue myself.
It could also be that the latest version of the OS that was around when the suit was filed was 2.2, because that feature is still there.
The new interface doesn't boot up to a stream of only advertising, though. That is a good thing that I kind of like. If I want to play the game in the drive, I just turn it on and press A. No waiting for the ads to load and then scrolling up to play my game this time around.
So drinking it is ok, but putting it in your nose, which is linked to your throat, is not?
After the B5, it's been all downhill IMO. The B6 was ok, but then since they've gone to the big mouth grill it has not been anywhere near as good.
iiiiiiinteresting. Thanks for the info, that's good to know.
There was a pretty entertaining booth at PAX this year for this game where you'd go in it and scream as loud as you could to get entered to win a prize. I saw many, many people scream their faces off while waiting for Borderlands 2.