
Agreed! Hey, it is the only 5th gen fighter that has been in active service. It's obscenely expensive, yes, and harder and harder to justify in a world where drones and missiles are taking over, but give it some credit: it is easily the most advanced combat aircraft that is sometimes active.

I agree, he got the implications wrong, but I'm still not sold on "our enemies have a delivery vehicle that can propel a nuke they don't have several hundred miles above the US where they will detonate it and wreck our computers!"

Hey, I've seen Goldeneye too! Good times.

Well, it did catch a drunk driver. I'm not sure if that is the intended method, though.

You mean an iPad with a stand, right?

Well see, you are the big bad meanie for doing it first, as there were no grounds for such a vicious legal move.


Dammit, I knew I was going to forget something! Good call.

I don't know, it makes sense to me. Win 8's UI appears to be very touch friendly, and for casual gaming and other non-serious stuff, why not? It's got a very stable platform to rest on, and honestly, a lot of casual gaming works better on a touchscreen than on a touchpad.

So... you will irrationally dislike Apple products, think RIM is the shit, love new UI designs, still be Meh on android and windows, and have meaningful business insight on the tech world when a deal happens! I think I covered the bases.

That's what I'm saying. If the M3 still sets it off (which it does), this mustang will make it explode. Past the upper limit.

Sounds good to me!

Actually they've kind of consolidated the ads a bit, IMO. There isn't a whole "spotlight" row devoted exclusively to ads, for instance. And by default when it boots up (which is speedier now, btw) it's on the selection for "Play Disc." So turn on, press A, your game is launched.

Reviews from yelp, lol. I love it.

Bing actually has a lot of neat features. The two problems:

Just let us have the ARM version and I'll be happy. I really want to see how it does on my HP touchpad.

YES. GM as a whole needs to hear this. Corvettes should not have chrome wheels, it is almost 2012.

Ferrari vs. McLaren is really the only winning choice here. The rest of the contest is for second place, IMO. Why? It's such an intense rivalry and has been going on for years and years, pretty much uninterrupted. Best of all, it plays out on the track, in front of the world. This isn't just a "oh SNAP the new mustang

I love time capsule cars, but at some point, you need to step back for a minute and ask yourself:

So.... this is basically a "game of the year" edition, but without the game of the year awards, right? Patched and includes DLC?