
SUV's are the best! The MS3 SUV just happens to be FWD and manual.

It's probably not in good shape. There really isn't much room in there.

My father, at 51, was diagnosed with aggressive prostate cancer about 3 months ago now. What you're saying sounds surprisingly common, his doctor was very careful to present all of the options applicable to his situation, (seeds, radiation, or surgery) and apparently seemed shocked that my Dad showed virtually no

Kind of like trying to purchase "Super Talent" memory, right? Hahaha.

Right, but my thinking was that if you have a GPS signal, you can figure out your altitude based on that, and apply that to correct the barometer reading.

Seems to me that GPS would eliminate the altitude issue, wouldn't it?

Ah, thank you! I knew the 645, LS600h, and T-bird were in there somewhere.

I agree, used games suck. I don't buy games used for the very reason you mention, I think it's shitty that a company will undercut a new price by $5 and make 50% margin off it while stiffing the developers. For me, it's buy or rent. (and sometimes both if the "rent" goes well and has replay value)

Well, it isn't an easy question to answer. The fact is, crappy DRM like Ubisoft's has affected scores, has it not? So why shouldn't the need to buy a pass to use the online portion of the game affect a review as well?

But it isn't better for people buying used, because retailers are still going to charge 100% of the used cost of the game, online pass or not. It just means another cost for the consumer.

"Friend of a friend" type of source: Win8 ARM runs out of the box on the touchpad. The processor is the same as the ARM demo model that they had at BUILD. The only issues are:

Well, while I think your point is a valid one, you also have to consider that different sports have very different crashes. You're not very often going to have to worry about catch fences in F1, for instance. ALMS doesn't need to worry about parachutes not deploying on their cars, as in Scott Kalitta's instance.

That's not the issue though, is it? The issue is when CEOs and such are compensated with stock-heavy plans. They don't pay payroll on their gains from selling stock that was given to them by the company as part of compensation.

I was referring to individual percentage. If you make most of your money off cap gains (as the uber-rich do), you pay a lower rate on that than on income (ie, cash). We (being the lower 99% who don't make bank off of cap gains) pay a greater portion of our individual net income than they do, simply because they make

Because the low tax rate right now on "job creators" is working fantastically to encourage growth, right? I mean of employment, not of corporate profits, which are now higher than they were pre-recession.

You're also the 99% unless you're making over about $200k per year. Quit suggesting that the people protesting aren't paying taxes, that stupid shit just irks me, and is so far from factual it isn't even funny.

"Vortexans not only remained civil for a few dozen entires"

I'm kind of curious how they know that it doesn't suffer, since we don't have them yet. And there is no 1 GB model to compare it to.

I hope Nick Cage covers this in National Treasure 3: Does This Guy Still Have a Career

That hand looks seriously un-natural, even fully zoomed out. Not surprised at all that it's a 'shop.