
Oh cool, there's another thing I can add to the list of "shit my free samsung flip-phone could do in 2003 that the iphone can now do!"

Yeah, I don't even know why they would pick leather. At least until now their other questionable skinning has been logical, if a bit unusual.... ie, black day planner for the calendar, etc.

"No more worrying about backups."

SB-E doesn't look like a total killer from the stuff I've seen, but I could be wrong. Intel could sit on this stuff for ages, they don't need to rush since they have no legitimate competition. I'd hope that Ivy uses the same socket, since it's a pretty straight die shrink if I'm not mistaken, but they have done 4

I was thinking about this, but I think 16 GB of RAM will help knock out almost any HDD bottlenecking in gaming terms.

The price up front and down the road were my reasons for it. The unlocked multipliers don't hurt, either. I got an 8120, plan on OCing to 4.1 or 4.2, and just being happy. I'm disappointed with the clock-for-clock performance, sure, but let's not forget that Intel has gone into EA Sports mode with their Sockets, and

I just bought an 8120. Why? Simple.

Dude, they took this thing out for a joyride and got off free and clear. We don't even need to justify positive use of authority!

Exactly what I am doing, except both best buy stores I would hit are staffed by morons who won't hold one for me. Thanks a lot, dicks!

But don't deny it, you're secretly lusting over the CR-Z that you get for ordering from Microsoft directly.

Reason I went with BB was that they have the 1M. I will stick with my roughly 5 versions of the STI the game has already, lol.

So it will be small because of people with normal hands? That's fine, but discounting people with larger hands is kind of quick judgement, IMO. I can cover my Droid X's entire screen with my thumb no problem, and plenty of other people can too. 3.5" really isn't that big.

Yeah, spinoffs and subsidiaries are not exactly the same thing in any way, haha. Business stuff = not gizmodo's strong suit, IMO.

But in terms of modern owners, he's correct. E46 is about when they start turning into D-bags these days, but most E30 owners are pretty cool.

Because older school BMW owners are much cooler and more tolerable than new BMW owners, I'd imagine. At least, that's my experience.

"Only" 500 cars is still a ton of cars, and they don't count 50 versions of the skyline or whatnot in their car count. That aside, I guess my bone to pick is that after all the waiting we had, they kind of misled on the car numbers, because the "standard" cars really don't look that good, IMO. Not at all what I'd

The normal one is pretty easy to track down, if that's your thing. And you're right, I almost with with Amazon until I remembered that there will only be about 5 other STI's if I go with the 1M. :)

I haven't heard about spec 2.0, what are the headline fixes? Without wanting to be a troll, unless the fix includes upgrading the graphics on several hundred "standard" cars, I really doubt it will hold a candle to Forza 4.

VW first by a long shot.

This question means you haven't tried to preorder. At least not the limited edition- that's pretty much sold out everywhere at this point.