
I enjoy reading “stuff” by black racists. It validates my opinion that they’e just like white racists.

Oh, I just love how this shitty article mentions Sarsour’s stated desire to “take away their vaginas”, which was made even worse by he fact that it was directed at a victim of female genital mutilation, but then proceeds to gloss over that statement.

Hahahaha. This is such bullshit. There’s no part of Sarsour’s persona or logic that isn’t troublesome. I started writing out a whole thing, but no. She knows exactly what the anti-Semetic dog-whistles that she uses mean. She has no nuance and never responds to any legitimate criticism, instead claiming to be

I suspect they mean that without any kind of pre-arrangement, ANY large group is going to be difficult to accommodate (seating together, for example), but moreso if the group have a particular need (such as available Wheelchair spaces, or CC devices, etc), because these things take time to organise. I assume the