
I’m biracial and played football in high school. Obviously, this means I’m of low intellect. My senior year I told my guidance counselor/coach that I planned to apply to my state’s honors college, and needed some assistance with paperwork etc. He told me that maybe I should think about another school since I probably

No need to hang out here if the content just makes you fussy! Have a lovely weekend.

Here’s the thing: People will use your alma mater as a yardstick for estimating how smart you are. You tell them where you went, and they know roughly what you need on the SAT to get in there.

Carson and Clarence Thomas oppose affirmative action because they believe they would have been admitted without it, and they’re probably right; they know their test scores.

It’s not particularly helpful to assume affirmative action is self-evidently necessary and dismiss the argument here without addressing it:

Race neutral is completely viable as an admissions policy. You can present the application files to the admissions committee with the applicants’ names redacted, and they would have to consider them without knowing the race of any given student.

this is a big part of why we don’t see more black scientists than we already have, and why we don’t see as many at top tier schools as we should be seeing. I know when I was in high school—with great grades in AP classes and excellent test scores, i was STILL steered away from top tier schools by my teachers and

There is a difference between treaties which require ratification from the Senate and “executive agreements” which don’t, but are entirely subject to the whims of the president. So, which is it?

In terms of the US? Most (I’ve seen 90+% thrown around) international agreements that the US is a party to do not require any form of ratification by Congress. For the US to actually do anything does require Congress to make adjustments to what it does and doesn’t fund. That might be difficult for a few years, unless

So, doesn’t this need to be ratified by Congress? Which stands about the same chance as a snowball hurled into the sun?