Waiting For 2045

Southland was one of the best, and most underrated, shows of all time.

“Why isn’t there a WHITE panther movie?!”

I have a soft spot for Detective Lydia Adams, as played by Regina King in Southland. Her character exhibited a persistent determination to do the right thing, despite being surrounded by people who did not. She frequently got rapped on the knuckles as a consequence of playing it straight. That show died far too early,

Ah yes, the tried-and-true “acting aggressively” line when a non-white person has the audacity to ask a question of the people discriminating against them.

The number of racist apologist in these comments is pretty appalling.

The clumsy way the breakup with Jimmy was handled was my only real complaint about this episode. It was just not done well.

Tyler Hoechlin might be in contention for best Superman soon. He looks a little small in the suit but he out Suped Henry Cavhill’s Superman in the first episode. He saved someone not named Lois. He winked. I like my Superman to wink. Shows he’s having fun. Take notes Snyder.

OK, sorry to say this, but the whole gay love affair thing is beginning to become a bit of a trope. Don’t get me wrong g, if it’s an integral part of the story, I have no problems with it. But if it’s simply tacked onto characters, it cheapens both the characters and the story itself.

I didn’t care for the Jimmy breakup because it didn’t make narrative sense. She didn’t get through the first date only hours after the events of last season. Basically it was an obvious plot hammer. But I forgave that because I figured it was a product of the move, either to fit the show into the CW universe or to

No, originally she was written as a he, and they decided to cast a woman in the role after asking themselves why it had to be a guy.

Please explain to me how that would be “forcing it in”? No one is asking for a 3rd of the movie to be devoted to explaining how and why a POC ended up among all the white folks. Just that they’re there. It changes nothing so long as the writing remains consistant with the character.

My problem with the “only if the story calls for it” argument is that the same is never applied to white characters. A lot of stories don’t call for white characters to be white. Jason Bourne, Katniss Everdeen, Ethan Hunt, Ace Ventura, John McClane, Ellen Ripley, Sarah Connor - none of these characters needed to be

It’s a made up story/movie about children with superpowers who live on an island in a time loop, managed by a woman who turns into a bird and the thing you find unbelievable is that people of color existed in the UK in the 40's?! Oooooookay.....

I’m still tickled that going on 60 years later, an offshoot genre from one of the most racist periods in American history is still the go-to standard for white people of every age as the gold standard for everything Black culture. As if Shaft was the pinnacle of African American achievement. It is our one sacred cow,

I grew up watching blaxploitation movies, right? And I said, that’s great. I didn’t go like, OK, there should be more white people in these movies.”

I know a lot of people will say its HIS artistic vision and therefore can’t be criticised c ause its censorship or something. But you do know how bad it sounds that his artistic vision apparently means casting almost all white people in any important roles in his movies, right?

Not missing anything. Totally accurate depiction. It’s pretty nasty.

Here’s what I don’t get: so Chyna and Tyga (and their child) were hanging out with the Kardashians; then, Tyga takes a fancy to the youngest daughter (who’s a 15- or 16-year-old child), and ditches his common-law wife and child for her.

I literally cannot wrap my head around hosting a baby shower but not inviting the mother-to-be... like... huh? Why?

That’s the former Kylie, isn’t it. Wow.