Left Shark


Welcome to America in 2019, where Arians claim to be helping a Gay but really just want to set them further back.

   Things are tough for the Broncos when their GM is their biggest neigh-sayer.

This is why management is smart to engage in collusion, because they magically saw this coming. I am a smart person who loves the taste of boots.

An Ode to Joe:

You sweet summer child. 

I love me a dose of morning salt.

The PA State Police investigators apparently got Vázquez to admit to these acts through smart questioning. They got the truth by starting each question with ‘Now don’t balk at this.....’ 

Vázquez then told police that he and the victim had “sex but not really,” per the court record.

This was just a normal Shadowrun session.

So basically what you’re saying is “it’s a shame he was a bust”?


Better Than Ezra had like, what? 2 songs? And one of them wasn’t even that good. The singer looked like Brian Krakow from My So Called Life in the video for Good. Now he looks like Dennis Reynolds.

Ben Folds Five was the most underrated 90's band. Fight me.

I had an entire take on Bush that was about how our inability to continue to hate them meant we transferred that hate to Nickleback, then realized I was confusing Bush for Creed, and really, that’s as insulting as it can get.

Spin Doctors, baby.

I feel like these replies are an exercise in hot take one-upmanship until someone just fucking *dares* to try and make the case for Dave Matthews Band. And since I know you’re out there, kiddo, don’t fucking do it.

the 90-yarder is the best because Williams had the safety lined up per usual 20 yards back and Odell still ran by him like the safety was Gregg and Odell was a head coaching job

Put a little English on it?

Burn. The. Witch.