
I wonder how many Blue Lives Matter people will support this woman. I’m going to take a stab and say zip.

Meek Mill SAYS he did not rob Nicki Minaj.

Her opponent later admitted that it was the longest he ever lasted with a girl.

Unless you went to public school in Indiana, where you may have only heard about MLK and Parks in passing, like I did. I was self-educated about the others, and slavery and the abolitionist movement in general. Horrifying, no? (Note to All: If you’ve never been to the National Underground Railroad Freedom Center in

I think they’re just testing the waters.

Rice Pilaf was on Meet The Press this morning and he kept repeating that these 7 countries were named by the Obama admin as the most dangerous to the US (because Obama wanted this ban too, obvs) and when asked why Saudia Arabia wasn’t on  the list, re: 9/11,  he said ‘maybe they will be down the road, who knows, and

I’m seeing classic 1930s film glamour. Which was created to get people’s minds off the Great Depression. Myrna Loy would have rocked any of these looks.

She’s so amazing

My favorite from Philly which had NO media coverage.

On the sideline, Ben Roethlisberger looked up, suddenly overcome with a strong sense of déjà vu.

If you try to hit Tim Tebow on his blindside, you better be ready for God to be blocking.

Of course he’s happy. He’s got broads in Atlanta.

It’s been interesting watching Twitter after the press conference. All the reporters are talking about the Russia Hacks or the fainting episode or anything but the two solid minutes where Obama lambasted them for running with the hacked email narrative for 6 months then wondering why it was such a big deal.

So this is where the buck stops.

To be fair, he probably has all that info already.

I kinda want to know more about that Russian skating tragedy. From what I could find, Inga Artamonova was a speed skating champion whose alcoholic husband murdered her when she was only 29.