
Exactly. And I dare say, Mark Harmon would not have put up with that bullshit and Weatherly knows that.

Now I’m just waiting for Cesar to sue Donny Two Scoops for reneging on his promise to pay his legal bills over this. But he promised! I’ve got it on tape!

Cincy, not Cinsy. As you were...

I’m sorry, I can never think of Chris Pine without this

ScarJo is quickly moving into Winona Ryder territory, who bounced from one SO to the next back in the day. Slow your roll, girl, lest the career begins to suffer.

Cincy native here. Rabbit Hash is tiiiiny. Blink, and you miss it.

“I’ve done all of them, and the only thing left to do is shave my head, which I’m really saving for a public breakdown. I’m down for that.”

Shhhhh. Let us have this

From your lips to etc, etc.

A thing of beauty.

Check out that strategically placed M though. The little devils...

If it’s Gary Cole, I will LITERALLY DIE. They were in “Lucas” together

I plunked down money to see this last night, and I make no apologies. My Lang love contines unabated...

I’m calling it now, it’s type 1. I know, because I was rushed to the hospital at the tender age of 40. Hospital kept insisting I was type 2, even though I had unintentionally lost 75 lbs. My doc was an idiot. Welcome to the world of insulin, Rob. Our club sucks...

Uh, something that size doesn’t scurry. EVER

She’s promised us another Zola life story. This is the best day EVR

Drake thanked Timmy T directly on IG a couple of weeks ago. Odd that he wouldn’t give a shout out to D.R.A.M.

This is the first Yoko tweet I haven’t understood...

This is the cover and spread that Bey should’ve had. Oh, who am I kidding. It’s Lupita’s world...we’re just living in it.

I’d star this, but it’s at 69 right now and I can’t stop giggling.