He’s a Lear and she’s a Lady Macbeth.
He’s a Lear and she’s a Lady Macbeth.
I’m very sorry that happened to you. I hope you’re able to take good care of yourself and access the support that feels right.
I get why you’re prickly about this, but you can’t just look at this as an isolated thing, and going all #notallwhitepeople isn’t helping the conversation. Tone policing has a loooooooong history, and has been used a) by men to shut down women and b) by whites to shut down POCs. So, when someone who looks like Miley…
So, here’s the thing. Aside from the fact that this conversation is wildly inappropriate for the workplace, these are people supposedly responsible for following evidence to its logical conclusion, for complex analytical situations, in addition to tactical street/traffic/ whatever stuff. The guy says, “my wife hated…
Sesame Street, the emblem of our childhoods, has fallen victim to the whims of a generation with a shorter attention…
homegirl is fucking lucky as shit and also has the lightest period on god’s green earth bc if that was me please believe they would have blurred out my entire lower half and all 26 miles behind me that were literred w huge globs of my uterine lining.
Shout out to whoever had to get up at 6am because school started at 7am. I feel for you.
Ronda was all out of bubblegum
Ice-T and Coco finish each others’ sentences. It’s something you might expect from newlyweds, or couples otherwise…
I guess Russia never heard about THE FIRST AMENDMENT!!
This clearly flies in the face of everything that Maxxism stands for. Hell you might as well just go to Lenins & things.