
2 cents - Clayton Batista is a cool name.

If you don’t think Simmons and Embiid are among the most interesting players to watch in the NBA, then you, sir, are a crap fan.

I have a hard time figuring out why so many quarterbacks suck so atrociously once they’re in the NFL after being perfectly cromulent in college. I mean, I know in college, the schemes are different, the reads are different, the speed of the game is very different, but these motherfuckers seem incapable of the simple

From what I can gather it’s either a) there were no death threats and he made them up to distract everyone from how bad his team is, or b) there were death threats and he didn’t respond properly (say, by notifying law enforcement that people’s lives might be in danger).


Why don’t you wait until you’re on the right side of .500 before you start declaring victory.

Mid-October heat waves are pretty normal in SoCal. This one is driven by Santa Ana winds so it’ll feel a lot cooler than it actually is.

I hope he’s actually open about it and she didn’t just go rogue. I would be sooo pissed at my hypothetical wife if she did that.

What does Scherzer have to do with his catcher not catching a ball and then firing it into the outfield? Or with his catcher getting in the way of a bat?

You need to realize the Giants are not a good football team.

This is America’s larger problem. As above, so below.

Ah, well then it looks like I’ve once again made a total fucking asshole out of myself

I love it when kickers get to be heros for doing non-kicker shit.

Thanks, my bad. I’ve corrected this in the story.

And yet they don’t have the resources to pay the players. GTFOH MOFOs!

The Eagles have had trouble pulling away from opponents in the fourth quarter of all of their games, making them all nailbiters. Against the Carson Chargers, they finally finished a game the way they’re built to finish a game.

I was about 10 when that came out. I thought it was the coolest goddamn thing ever. I regret nothing.

I maintain, that in an era that predates HDTV’s, that wasn’t the worst idea of all time.

OK. Setting aside that athletes are entertainers who make money by playing sports well for paying viewers (so there’s a sense of “owe” built right into his job description), it’s also illegal by the lights of tennis’s governing body.

You sure about that? Kapler was always a pretty vocal anti-steroid guy and was never linked to roids beyond people assuming he was on something because he was jacked.