Jim Crutchfield

I like Idris Elba very much, and I want him to play good, important roles in good, important movies, but, please, enough with the James Bond stuff. James Bond is an established character with a back-story and a history. He’s not a cipher that can be redefined by whatever actor happens to be assigned to the role. Why

Wait a second. The Pa. congressman was way out of line, but you don’t get to use racial epithets, even for comic effect, and object to other people’s using racial epithets.

This is brilliant. Only, honestly, the original “Star Wars” was great, but not good. It was great because nobody had done anything like it before, and it blew everybody’s mind; but by ordinary movie standards—script, acting, directing, plot, character—it was bad. Only “The Empire Strikes Back” was good, and it was