
What more would you like to see to make it more fair for single taxpayers?”

We really oughtn’t to be surprised that the atavistic electoral college is the direct enemy of progressive candidates. It was designed hundreds of years ago to give rich white rural land-owners a tremendously unfair weighted fraction of the vote. These days, largely due to agriculture becoming a wholly owned

I think it’s time to discuss moving the initial Democratic primary out of Iowa. It’s *really* not the best state to pick if you want something representative of nationwide liberal values. (Image from The Pain Comics.)

Do you object to thier policy positions, or just the color of thier skin and what’s between thier legs?

we all accelerate much faster than we used to

Except CEOs and education administrators are constantly showing examples that paying them a fuckton does not make them good at their job. Also their teachers max out their pay around $80k no matter the education or experience level. Anyone who thinks that administration is more important than the teachers can kindly

Such a tired unlearned position. I had a friend shadow me for a day a couple of years ago. At the end of the 14 hour day, he said “you only taught for 75 minutes today, but we are just getting home at 10.” He long teased me that professors are do-nothings. It was eye opening. He had no idea how much paperwork, how

I hope they make a feature film where the main character works tirelessly for 90 minutes to gather weapons and supplies only to be overcome by the closing border and dying outside the play area at minute 147... fin.

I’m probably in the minority, but this does nothing for me and I owned a JK.

In 2019, you can buy, new:

So [for] mashed potatoes, instead of just butter and cream, use sour cream or creme fraiche.

This could be a hot take but I think I’ll be in the majority in this one:

Not because the racist right voted for it, but because the rest of you lazy assholes didn’t vote to stop it.

Amazing. Every word of what you just said was wrong.

Because it’s a huge pain in the ass to take your car into a dealer for service when the dealer is only open the exact same hours you’re required to be at work. 

I feel like you’re in the minority here. I’ve seen little praise for Woodard in these shows. Seems more like everyone wanted less of her in S1 and more of Mahershala Ali. And in S2 Mustafa Shakir carried the season, no questions asked. 

Personally, I’m with everyone else. I found her and Shades’ characters to both be

Thanksgiving is the *best* American holiday. You gorge, you drink to excess, and sleep, then you do it again. And you're not only permitted, but you're expected to do so! And for 4 days! And no presents required! It is GLORIOUS!

You lost me when you claimed chicken is better than turkey. You made an enemy forever at, "Thanksgiving dinner is the least appetizing of American holidays".