

Totally agree!

Why hard science fiction has to be boring? Interstellar is too long, but visually impressive.

Well, that big reference book right now is...the Wikipedia! For good or bad.

Is that a film?

A couple of nights ago saw again the pilot of Battlestar Galactica...and thought how goooood it is! Damm good and unbeatable syfy series, for the moment...

I read Audible Redshirts by Scalzi. Didn’t like it as much as Old man’s war or Agent for the stars.Well, it had some interesting bits of characthers relationship with their creator.

I got the impression Gravity was really an IMAX ride of 40 minutes estretched, unfortunately and unnecessarily. No story, just a 3D ride. Hope The Martian has more...the book is interesting.

Is there any sci-fi book with real science behind? Like “The Martian”?

I don’t think your eyes will see colour in those celestial fireworks, even so close.

Perhaps science is really more amazing than scientific concepts by the main Hollywood writers.

The Pirates saga is like the Transformers; a bunch fun action scenes in the middle of a boring excesive long ridiculous dumb main plot. Tomorrowland has a great idea, a beautiful closing shot and somewhwere in the middle a mess.

The Hobbit has a messy editing and shaky 3D 48 fps look. Personally, feel better if you go at your own pace in a 3D enviroment, and that enviroment is not shaky.

Perhaps something like you go on your own and do the action. MYST online URU Live kind of, higher resolution.

The Martian has a loot of MacGiver!

Edwin Hubble measured the velocity of galaxies and realize all where separating at high speed from each other. So, the universe was expanding. Like if you see bits of an exploding firework in the sky. But, if you rewind all those moving parts....it all goes to a single point! Voila!

Frankly, all those designs ignore artificial gravity by spinning. They look like boats in space :(

Man in the high castle is a surreal piece of Literature with chilling connotations, what of the Axis had won the War?

Woaaa! Now you realize that was HUGE! Volcanoes still can make a big bang and disturb the world as we know it...

I miss the Alternate NYC of Fringe! So good...